Forbidden Friendship

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The day had disappeared rather fast. I had attempted multiple times to get out of this pit, but to no avail. That boy will most certainly pay for what he's done. If I ever see him again. And that the worst part. He'd have to come to me. The nights were always cold, but, this night seemed extra cold. I even tried warming the ground underneath me. But it seems like that only made it colder. This pit was very lonely. I hopped that my Deadly Nadder friend was okay. As I drifted off into sleep my mind wandered back to that boy. Something was different about him. I just...I just couldn't figure out what it was. He seemed desperate to kill me. Like he wanted to prove himself...just like me. I glanced back up at the forest. Maybe were not so different.

What am I thinking! Those two legers are nothing like me! Ugh, that boy is annoying. He's not even here, and yet he's still in my mind. Rattling my cage. Maybe that's his plan. Maybe that's why he let me go. A loud yawn escaped from my throat. Maybe I should sleep on it. As my eyes slowly closed another feeling came over me; curiousity.

As the next day rolled in with a chill in the air I laid flat on tummy. Five more failed attempts to get out of here. She must be furious with me by now. Having not returned with the flock, I'd rather die by two leger than go back now. But even as I walked in circles that feeling from last night kept driving for me to get go find him. I've never had this feeling before, so I really didn't know what to do with it. But as the morning turned to afternoon another, more dangerous feeling, began growling from the pit of my tummy. 'I need fish,' I groan. I had always swooped down from the sky and blasted them into the air or snatch 'em out of the water with my disappearing teeth. Nether of those options were on the table. And running around in the pond and trying to snatch 'em up would zap my energy. What was left of it anyway.

In the mist of hunger a dangerous thought crept into my head. If I got out of here, maybe that two lerger's nest would have some fish. It was very risky. And even if I did get out of here and get some food where would I go then? I can't fly. A downed flyer was a dead flyer. When I pulled back from my daring mission I noticed a small hole in between two rocks. Was that always there? This is perfect! A way out! Now if I could just get the right speed and jump I could climb out. I readied myself on the other side of the pit. Then I ran as fast as I could and threw myself at the hole. But it was an overshot! I desperately try to grip the rock. As I slid back down I saw a flash of green and brown against the rocks. I really had no time to see what it was before I had to glide over the pond and land back down. ' Ugh,' I moaned.

When I looked over I spotted a fallen tree. 'Perfect,' I said to myself. I balance myself on it then jumped with all my might. But the imbalance of my missing tail fin knocked me back down. 'I gotta get out of here,' I encouraged myself. I tried to grip the rock three more times but only found myself back on the ground. 'This is stupid!' I shouted. I let of a blast to calm down. I absentmindedly attempt another go, but I just ended up crashing in front of the pond. I'm gonna die here, I thought.

'Hey Night Fury,' I looked in front of me and saw some fish jumping out of the water. 'You're so pathetic!' they taunted, 'Come get us.' I didn't want to encourage their taunts but hunger made me stand up. I stuck my head in the water, but they manage to slip by. 'Haha!' they laughed,' Fire flyers are so weak!'

I stepped away from the water and laid my head down. Embarrassed. Stupid fish, I thought. I tried to think of a possible solution when a sound caught my attention. When I glanced up I saw a stick fall to the ground. I looked farther up. It him! That boy! What a stupid mistake he made on coming back. Now my chance to...wait, what's this feeling? When I stared at him all my rage and urge to kill disappeared like smoke. That's when I noticed something. He's studying me. I-I don't understand. Why shoot me down only to let me go then study me? Come to think of it, when did he even get here? My hearing is one of the best of my kind, and yet I didn't hear him coming. That flash of green and brown against the rock must of been him.

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