Test Drive

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I've learned a lot about Hiccup over the next few days. His kind calls my kind dragons. I don't know why, but, I really like the sound of that. I've also learned that his kind is called humans. Hmm...I prefer two legers. But whatever he is called, I know that these people are way different than I first thought they were. I guess they just act stupid for stupid reasons. In the early rise of one surprisingly warm morning Hiccup came and told me that he is going to test the new tail fin for real. I was delighted to hear that the new tail he had made was perfect, but, one thing confused me. Hiccup had always came in the afternoons. But today, he came in the morning. Before I could ponder long he climbed onto my back and we trotted up and out of the pit and into the forest.


Strong wind blew in my face as I glided across the open sky. The feeling that flying gave me is unmatchable. Even with the weight of a human on my back-a fairly light one-I devoured the long forgotten sense of being detached, unconditional, and...free. I glanced up at Hiccup. He was checking everything twice to be doubly certain that everything was working. I can't fly unless he there. Does that really make me free? "Okay there bud. We're gonna take this nice and slow," he patted the side of neck. He moved his foot, and the stirrup went click. My fake tail fin opened as wide as it could.

' I wasn't truly free before,' I grunted as I turned my head back around. In a way, this is freedom...I think.

As I continued flying I tiled and did a u-turn towards to giant sea stacks that rose out of that calm water. I heard Hiccup mutter something before I dove down. The cold water was an inch away from touching me. "Come on buddy. Come on buddy," Hiccup encouraged. I glanced up at the massive pillars as I passed by. Everything was going fine. You know, I guess these humans are not as bad as I once th-smack! Right into a small sea stack! "Sorry," Hiccup said. Is he not paying attention? Uhh...well, everyone does make mistak-smack! Another sea stack. "That's my fault," Hiccup admitted. I flung my head and my ear smacked him right on the cheek. Pay attention human! "Yea yea I'm on it," he said with sarcasm. He mutter something again and made a change with the stirrup.

I had the sudden urge to climb higher and higher into the sky. But it wasn't just an urge, it was an action. As I climbed, with the wind smacking both of our faces, an old feeling came to my attention. I-I can't quit place it. But then, I remembered. Images of that horrible day flashed in my head. It happened years ago. But the memory was fresh. She was hungry. And when we didn't go Her rage filled the nest like fire. We scrambled to escape. But we only had one exit. Straight up. I could remember looking down and seeing my little sister, who wasn't a strong flyer, get swallowed whole. Making me the last Night Fury in the nest.

The sudden memory make me jerk slightly. The slight movement made the wind change direction. Hiccup's little cheat sheet for my tail was knocked out of it's little holder. "Cheat sheet stop!" I heard Hiccup scream. He managed to save the piece of paper. But the fear that memory brought still lingered. It made me stop flying for a second. That is when the harness (another new word for me) that had always kept Hiccup attached to my saddle, slipped off. And before we knew it, we were falling! Fear screamed out as I instinctively tried to find something to grab. Hiccup, if this fall doesn't kill you I will! Now do something! He kept shouting at me to turn this way and that. I could barely hear him, but, I managed to turn my back to him. I felt Hiccup grab a hold of my saddle. But we were still falling!

Then I saw it. Huge sea stacks towered high above us, getting bigger for every inch we fell down. I threw my wings open, praying they'd catch wind and whisk me up to safety. ' Oh Thor! I knew it! ' I said to myself, ' I knew this little brat was going to kill me one way or another!' The sea stacks came closer and closer. I knew I was going to die. If I'm going to die then I should-suddenly that wonderful feeling from before appears, and the fear of dying evaporated like smoke.

Hiccup tossed his cheat sheet and it got caught in the wind. I don't remember much of what happened next. All I remember is hearing a few clicks from the stirrup and we were out of there. The sea stacks were behind us, and we were still alive. How'd he do it? That feeling. Why and how does it take away fear? I think I'm understanding what that feeling is. I've learned many things while becoming friends with Hiccup. But one thing stood out. These humans have things that we dragons do not have, love, communication, and trust. Living under Her control has left my kind in a never ending cycle of dragon vs dragon. Only worry about yourself. Don't care about what happens to others. I don't get it. My kind has stolen food from them. Made it hard to live. Why didn't they turn out like us?

I really didn't have time to dwell on the thought. I escaped the grip of death. I shot of a happy blast. The back draft felt warm against my scales. "Aw come on," Hiccup said.


After our near death test drive with my fake tail fin, Hiccup and me found a cozy little island to take a break. And this boy has done it again. Why does he give so much fish to me, and only give himself so little? I've seen others of his kind. Doesn't he want to save up enough food to be stronger than them? What is it with humans? They can be thrown into a terrible war where it is fight for yourself or die, and still manage come back from it? I believe I know what keeps them like that. I...Its called...family? Is that right? Whatever it was didn't really matter right now. Forgetting that he doesn't like it, I regurgitate the head of a Cod in front of him.

"Ah, no thanks," he rejected, " I'm good."

' Oh look! Dere is fishies! '

' Fishies! Yay! Is lova fishies! '

We both glanced up to see a horde of Terrible Terrors flying in. Their high pitched, yappy voices barked in a cludder of noises that irritated my ears. Remember when I said that in my world it's ' look after yourself only' world? Well, being forced to live that life made me instinctively hover above my dinner. I growled a warning at them. But they paid no heed. One Terror crept far to close to my food. I snapped at her, and she froze in her place. Another Terror took that chance and snatched the Cod head I brought back up. He nibbled at the head before another Terror tried to sneak up an steal it. ' Hey! Na na na. Yo stay away from me fishies,' he warned his friend before firing a small blast of fire at him.

I grew board of those little dragons quickly. There is a reason that there is very little of them in the nes-huh? Why is one of the-hey! I snatched the head of a fish as a different Terror tried to sneak off with one. That was pretty clever of him. Coming from around the back, and be a quiet as you can. We tugged on the fish for a few seconds before the tip of the tail broke off. Leaving him with it and me with the whole fish. I swallowed the fish. ' Sucks to be you. Huh pipsqueak? ' I snorted at him.

The little dragon spit the tail out of his mouth, ' Whats yo say ta me? ' The angry Terror kicked up some dirt, obviously challenging me. Pff, as if he could beat me. When was about to shoot fire I shot a small blast in his mouth. Making his body go round like a bubble. He then flopped back to the ground in a daze. ' Ya win,' he said. Of course I did. When I turned back and resumed eating my fish I eyed Hiccup giving the last of fish to the Terror...but why!? How could he do something like that? He needs that fish. How is he suppose to get strong enough to stand on his own if he keeps giving away his food?

After consuming the fish the Terror looked up at Hiccup, ' You nice.' The dragon then walked up to Hiccup, stopping only once to see if he would attack. And when he saw that Hiccup did nothing, the Terror curled up under Hiccup's arm and fell asleep. Again, I heard Hiccup mutter something.

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