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We we're walking through white dreams while Hawk and Elizabeth kept complaining. I sighed as I walked ahead. "Gah! Something grabbed me from behind!" Elizabeth yelled. I turned around and almost fell when I saw Meliodas squeezing her butt under her skirt.

"YOU DAMN PERVERT!" I yelled throwing a rock at his head. He dodged it and continued walking like it was nothing. A ticked mark appeared on my head as my eyes were shadowed over by my bangs. "Meliodas." I growled a dark aura surrounding me.

Hawk and Elizabeth freaked out as they tried to calm me down. "Geez calm down porky." Meliodas said as Hawk had started to scold him. "Who you calling porky?!" A bunch of Hawk's shouted. I was dumb founded.

"Huh?" I asked out loud. "What one's the real Hawk?!" Me and Elizabeth yelled. Meliodas hummed as he hit all the Hawk's when they came running towards us. They all cried as they ran behind Elizabeth and myself. "Help me Elizabeth! Lunar!" They cried.

I just looked at them confused before I felt more presences. Suddenly a bunch of shadowed figures appeared around us. "Huh? What's going on?" We both asked looking around. Soon the figures came out only to reveal Elizabeth's and....me's?! I was in utter shock.

"Wow." Meliodas whispered. They all smiled and acted shy making me sigh. "Yeah there's no way in hell those girls are me." I mumbled. "Hmm. However will I be able to tell who's who?" Meliodas asked making me gawk at him.

He smiled as he stood up. "I got it. Put one hand in the air." They all did as told and put one hand in the air. "Put a hand on your cheek and say my name be naughty~" He said making my eye twitch. "Sir Meliodas/Meliodas~" I swear even if they weren't me I just want to die.

"Now grab your boobs." He said bluntly. I fell on my face a depressed aura surrounding me. 'My pride is ruined.' I whined to myself. "Now jump up real high." They all jumped except for me who was on the ground sulking and Elizabeth who was on her knees eyes shut as she held her skirt down.

"I'm sorry I can't do that!/No way in hell!" We both yelled. The clones looked down in shock. Meliodas took out his sword and sliced the clones. I was so embarrassed that I didn't hear or see what happened next.

"Hey Lunar." I looked up and glared at Meliodas a light blush on my face. He smiled as he held a hand out for me. "Let's keep going." He said. I clicked my tongue and took his hand allowing him to help me up. We started following some prankster Imps as they tried to get away as if to warn someone.

Soon I saw a familiar figure asleep on the ground. I smiled a bright smile as I started to run a bit faster. "Lady Diane! Lady Diane!" They called. "Some Holy Knights have gotten in!" They yelled. We stood in front of her as her eyes shot open and she stood up.

"So some damn Holy Knights are here huh?" She asked as she glared down at us. "N-no we're not...H-Holy Knights." Elizabeth stuttered. I watched as Meliodas was snatched up by Diane and sighed. "What's up Diane it's been a while what ten years?" He asked smiling.

She inspected him closely until her eyes turned into stars and she went back to the Diane I knew. "Captain! Captain! Captain!" She said happily. I laughed as I looked up at them. "What? No hello for me?" I asked jokingly. She looked down at me and her happy expression became one of pure joy.

"Lunar!" She yelled picking me up and squeezing me in a hug. "I-I told you!" I laughed down to Elizabeth. "Diane's a big hugger around me!" Diane put me down but still held Meliodas in her hand. I saw her look at Elizabeth and I sighed. "Oh no..." I mumbled.

"Who's this girl captain? Lunar?" She asked eyeing Elizabeth up and down. "Hello lady Diane I'm Elizabeth and I'm traveling with sir Meliodas and Lunar to find the Seven Deadly Sins." Elizabeth said.

The seven deadly sins: sin of the tiger! (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now