Lets fight!

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"So no weapons allowed huh?" I asked tilting my head slightly. "That's right." Meliodas said smiling at me. I only sighed as I went and removed my sword from my belt. "Where the hell am I gonna put this?" I mumbled to myself slightly annoyed. "Just toss it somewhere." Ban mumbled.

I just shot him a glare before tossing my sword to the ground. "no one better touch it." I hissed. Soon they announced how the elimination round was going to start. I watched as everyone started to charge at each other like wild animals. 'Pathetic.' I thought.

As I looked around I noticed Meliodas and Ban were enjoying themselves. 'Morons.' Just then a group of guys started to charge towards me. "Sorry sweetie but this isn't some place for a girl!" One of them yelled laughing. My eyes just narrowed. "Oh really?" I mumbled. I quickly went and jumped up easily kicking and punching them away.

"Oh hey those two girls are really kicking butt!" Someone shouted. 'Hm?' I hummed turning my head. "Who's she?" I mumbled watching a girl with a hat easily take men down. 'Heh she's strong.' I thought smirking slightly.

~time skip~

By the end of the elimination round only ten of us were left. 'There's not that many people.' I thought eyes narrowing. "Hey! That guys floating that's not fair!" Someone yelled. I just walked over to Meliodas and Ban arms crossed. "Haha nice job." Ban laughed. "You played dirty." Meliodas said smiling.

"Was it really cheating?" King asked. I just looked at him and smiled. "Good Job." I spoke calmly. He blushed slightly hiding his face in his pillow. "T-thanks." He whispered. "Haha! Hey looks like you made it!" I heard someone laugh. I looked back only to see the Holy Knight from earlier.

He ran over to me a giant smile on his face. "You're not bad! You were really cool!" He laughed happily. "Uh thanks." I said turning my attention towards him. "It's Luna right?" He asked. I nod my head at him. "Heh well maybe we'll be able to fight each other in the tournament." He said happily.

I just nod. "Hey! Luna get over here!" King yelled. "Coming~" I sang lazily. I waved goodbye to him before running over to my friends.

~time skip~

We all waited in a small tavern for the match ups to begin. "I'm tired." I mumbled sitting down. "Did you use up too much energy Luna?" King asked worried. I looked at him for a moment before pulling him down next to me and resting my head on him. "You're comfy." I whispered closing my eyes.

~King's POV~

I sat there a deep blush on my cheeks. "H-hey! Luna!" I yelled making sure I didn't reveal her true name. She didn't respond as small quiet breaths left her mouth. I looked at her my eyes softening. "Heh. You're so cute." I whispered gently running my hand through her hair.

'Hm?' I glanced up only to see Ban and captain looking over at me.

~Meliodas's POV~

I watched as King ran his hand through Lunar's hair. I felt something inside me start to boil. 'What's wrong with me?' I thought clenching my fists together. 'For some reason...I don't like seeing other guys touching her.'

~Ban's POV~

'That damn King.' I thought clenching my fists together. 'He keeps getting so close to her it pisses me off.' I thought glaring at him. He looked over at me his face expressionless. I grit my teeth together. "Damn you King."

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