Memories and friends!

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I had charged at Meliodas and Diane. "Lunar what are you doing?!" Elizabeth yelled. "WAKE UP!" I yelled hitting them both with the back of my sword. They stumbled a little but I saw how their eyes turned back to normal.

"Huh? Lunar?" They both asked. I looked at them expressionless. "What's wrong with you two?" I asked. They looked around confused. "He's gone." They both said. "What do you mean he's gone? Who's gone?" I asked getting a little annoyed.

"That Holy Knight. He was just here." Meliodas said. I looked at them confused before I suddenly lost sight of everything and I saw a Holy Knight in front of me. "I'm ruin the holy knight." He said. "Huh?! Where did everyone go?!" I asked looking around.

"They're not here." He said. I glared at him as I stayed in my dark princess armor launching myself at him. "Give me back my friends!" I yelled.

*Meliodas's POV*

Lunar had gone quiet her eyes going cloudy. "Lunar?" I asked. Suddenly she took off towards me and swung her sword. "Give me back my friends!" She yelled. I quickly dodged her attack. "Lunar what's wrong?" I asked.

"Captain look!" Diane yelled. I looked closely and saw that lunar's eyes looked dull and lifeless. "She's under control!" Diane said. "Lunar." I whispered. She glared at me reminding me of the first time I met her.


I was walking back to the others when I suddenly heard something. "Hm? Is someone there?" I asked. No one answered so I shrugged and continued on my way. "Wait!" I looked back and saw a little boy. He had short white hair and big blue eyes.

"Please help! It's my sister!" He yelled tears in his eyes. I looked at him and nodded. "Alright take me to her." I said. He nodded his head and ran off into the forest. I followed him soon coming to a small secluded area.

"I found help!" He yelled. I followed him only to have my eyes widen a little. There I saw a girl with long messy white hair and dull lifeless eyes. "Who the hell is he?" She asked glaring at me. I smiled and held a hand out to her. "Hello I'm Meliodas. It's nice to meet you miss.."

She glared at my hand and swatted it away. "Tch. I don't need help from you." She spat. The boy frowned as he looked up at me. "Her name's Lunar. I'm Luke. Sorry about her she's got a bad temper." He said scratching the back of his head.

I smiled and shook my head. "It's fine! Now let's see that wound of yours." I said walking up to her and examining the wound on her shoulder. "Hm. Alright! Let's go and take care of that!" I said. Before she could reject I picked her up and started running with her Luke following behind.

~end flashback~

I dodged another one of Lunar's attacks. "Lunar! Hey wake up!" I yelled trying to bring her back. "Die!" She yelled. "Captain look out!" Diane yelled. Diane jumped in front of me and slammed her fist down where Lunar was.

*Diane's POV*

I had punched down where Lunar was only to see that she dodged it. "Lunar snap out of it!" I yelled. She stopped for a second and her eyes showed sadness. "D-Diane." She stuttered. "Lunar come on!" I yelled. Soon her eyes went back to being dull and lifeless as she charged at me.

I grit my teeth as I blocked her. 'I can't hurt Lunar she's my best friend.' I remembered when we met.


I was waiting for captain to come back. "Wah! What's taking captain so long?!" I whined. Soon I heard the doors open and perked up only to see captain with a girl in his arms and a little boy hiding behind him.

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