Never escape

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The two of us stood there ready to attack the other. "And fight!" With those two words the two of us took off both of us hitting fists with each other. He looked at me that same annoying smirk on his face. "Ya know...I doubt this is your full power." He mumbled.

"Heh. I can say the same thing about you." I chuckled. We both jumped away from each other before quickly going and attacking once again our attacks quick as lightning. "Wow! Luna and Alston sure are going at it folks!" The announcer cheered. This caused everyone else to join in cheering for whoever they thought would win.

"HAAAA!" I yelled going and roughly punching him in the face sending him back a bit. He stood there laughing slightly as he carefully wiped the blood away from his mouth looking at me. "Yeah that's what I like...I love fighting you...but I want to feel more of your power...I want to make you feel pain."

I just looked at him with a blank expression blood dripping from my cheek. 'He cut was with his wasn't a was something else but what?' I thought eyes narrowing. 'There's something wrong with this guy...' I thought getting ready to attack him once again.

'But still...why does his name still bother's like...I know him from somewhere...'

~Meliodas's POV~

I watched as Lunar and that guy fought both of them landing blows to each other. "Something's weird." I said arms crossed tilting my head slightly. "Huh? You think so?" Diane asked looking down at me. I nod my head carefully watching the two of them.

"Lunar seems to be distracted with something." I said. "Yeah and that guy seems to be enjoying this. It's almost like he knows her." Ban mumbled eyes narrowing. "I think Lunar feels the same way." King mumbled. I just hum at this brining my fingers to my chin.

"What are you thinking?" Ban asked glancing down at me. "Something's not right here..."

~Lunar's POV~

I stood there cuts all over my body. "..." I looked at Alston who had bruises and blood dripping from his mouth that same annoying smirk on his face. "Haha! You're really good!" He laughed. "But tell me...are you holding back your full power because you don't want to be discovered?" He asked tilting his head.

'Does he..?' I thought putting my arms down. "Who are you?" I asked eyes narrowing. His eyes narrowed as well. " really don't remember me huh?" He asked letting out a small sigh. It sounded like he was frustrated or maybe upset. "Should I?" I asked getting annoyed with this guy.

"Nah...I guess not. But I know who you are. Yeah I know all about you Lunar." He said his smirk vanishing. My eyes went wide slightly. " know who I am huh?" I asked. He nods at this. "Yeah. That's right." He said letting out a small sigh. "What a pain. Here I was thinking you'd recognize me but guess not." He mumbled.

"This is boring." He mumbled. "If I can't fight you to your full power then what's the point?" He mumbled shrugging. "Then get lost if you don't like it. I don't know about you but I don't feel like fighting to my full extent with all these innocent people here." I mumbled waving my hand around.

He just hummed at this. "'re saying you'll fight me with all you've got if these people weren't here?" He asked tilting his head. "Yeah that's right." I mumbled. Suddenly his whole attitude changed to one of a little kid almost. "REALLY?! THAT'S GREAT!" He cheered happily running over to me.

I looked at him surprised as he took both my hands in his. "Then lets do just that! Tell you what I'm actually a Holy Knight! My name is Alston so don't forget it ok? Cause I'll make sure that we fight again ok?!" He said leaning closer to me. "Uh...what the hell is your deal?" I asked.

He just smiled before pulling away from me. "Haha! Well see ya around!" He laughed. "Hey! I quit!" He called out to the announcer. This of course earned some boos from lots of people. I didn't say anything as I watched him walk past me. When he did he whispered something that caused my eyes to go wide in shock and anger.

"By the way~ how's Luke~?" I quickly looked back at him seeing the amused expression on his face. 'You son of a bitch! Just who the hell are you?!' I mentally yelled gritting my teeth. Once he walked away and disappeared into the crowd I slowly left the arena.

"Hey what happened?" Diane asked walking over to me. I didn't say anything as I continued to stare down at the ground. "Lunar?" She asked. "He's a Holy Knight. His name is Alston. I don't know why but for some reason I feel like I know him..." I mumbled looking up at them.

"But he does know me and I think he's one of the guys behind my brothers murder." I said eyes narrowed. This caused everyone's expressions to go dark none of us saying a word. "Looks like you and Ban are up next." I mumbled to Meliodas as I started to walk away.

"Ah! Hey wait Luna!" Diane called chasing after me. I just ignored her as I walked into the Boar Hut. Once there I went up to my room shutting my door. "..." I didn't say anything for a moment before gritting my teeth. "THAT BASTARD!!!!" I screamed roughly punching my door causing it to shatter.

Diane stood there along with Elizabeth in her hand. "Lunar..." She whispered sadly. I just stood there tears streaming down my face and blood dripping from my mouth from me biting my lip too hard. "Diane...Elizabeth..." I cried looking at them.

"I can't escape from this can I?"


Howzer quickly ran to watch the fight between Ban and Meliodas wanting to watch the two seven deadly sins fight. "You look excited don't you?" A familiar voice asked causing him to stop running. "Alston?" He asked looking over to his right.

Alston stood there arms crossed leaned up against a wall. "I take it your fight is over? Did you win?" Howzer asked. "Nah...I quit. It's no fun when she's not using her full power." Alston sighed shaking his head. "By her I assume you're talking about Luna." He mumbled.

"You mean Lunar." Alston corrected. "You mean she's one of the seven deadly sins?!" Howzer asked shocked. This caused Alston to smile. "Well... that's what people like to say but have you ever stopped to realize that they're still called the seven deadly sins even though there's eight of them?" He asked.

" that you point it out yeah." He mumbled scratching the back of his neck. Alston smiled at this. "That's because our dear Lunar isn't fully classified as a sin." He chuckled. "What do you mean by that?" Howzer asked tilting his head. Alston just smiled his eyes narrowing.

"That's between me and Lunar." He laughed quietly. Hozwer just hummed at this. "Oh yeah. You said before that you and Lunar have some sort of history together right?" He asked. Alston just smiled at this licking his lips.

"Yeah...she's my betrothed~"

*To Be Continued*

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