Part 2

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Redd could hardly keep her eyes open as she sat in her first class. Her brain was the only thing keeping her from completely falling asleep, forcing her every few minutes to jot down notes that the professor quickly spit out like fireballs. She was almost too relieved when the bell rang and all the students filed out to head to their next class. She tried her best not to drag her feet, but it was nearly hopeless. How had she managed, all the years before, to survive off of a minimum of 3 hours of sleep and still get top marks in all of her classes? She mindlessly walked into her next class, which was Magic Algorithms, and sat down at her desk, dropping her bag to the side a little too carelessly, because the bag then tipped over and all the books spilled out. She groaned and bent down to pick them up. A second hand came down and picked up the farthest one. Redd looked up, then stopped.

The girl studied the cover of the book with great interest, thumbing the spine thoughtfully and passed her opposite hand gently over the engraved title of the book. The girl had cold dark teal eyes that looked as if they could penetrate the universe itself. Her long black hair was parted down the middle and framed her face with wild wisps flying everywhere. Her long eyelashes did a good job of making her eyes pop, especially in contrast to her pale skin. Wordlessly, she handed Redd the book and walked up to the professor, sharing a hushed word with him. He nodded as he listened and gave her a warm smile and a pat on the shoulder. He gestured to the entire classroom, probably telling the girl that she may sit wherever she would like.

The girl timidly nodded, pursing her lips as she reluctantly walked farther and farther to the back. And closer to where Redd was sitting. The girl tucked some of her messy hair behind her ear, though it was a fruitless attempt at taming it. She looked down at her hands as she spoke, gripping the book in her hands tightly and spoke in a voice barely audible. "Is someone sitting in the seat next to you?" Redd blinked, wondering in her mind what the girl's voice sounded like if she could speak higher than a whisper. ", no one's sitting here. You can if you want..." Her voice trailed off as the girl nodded, still not looking up as she went around Redd to reach the empty chair. Redd looked back down at her book, trying to seem calmer than she felt. She kept sneaking glances at the girl, mentally hoping that she could somehow peek into her head and figure out what she was thinking.

Both of their attentions turned away as the professor cleared his throat and he began the lesson. For Magic Algorithms, it was common to have lectures over actual, hands on attempts at solving them. Redd was immediately taken into the lesson and scribbled away into her notebook, writing small notes in the margins for what to research later. She only stopped her incessant writing once when she became conscious of the fast flipping of a page. She turned and saw the girl writing like a madman, gripping her pencil tightly while not lifting it off the paper except to turn the page. It went like this until the end of class when the bell rang and the professor hollered the homework assignment for the night. Without another backwards glance, the girl did her best to put her papers and books neatly into her bag and set off.

Redd huffed as she too took to placing loose papers back into their places in her book. She was the last one to leave the room and the last one to make it to the dining hall for lunch. She took a seat next to Bill, who was already completely interested in only his sandwich. Chaunty looked up from her book and gave her a questioning look. Why are you late? She could practically hear her say. Redd just shrugged in response. The usual, nothing out of the ordinary. Chaunty gave a subtle nod then went back to her book, probably not quite believing Redd, but willing to let it go for now until they had the time and privacy to bring it up again.

Redd reached for a sandwich when she suddenly heard feet running towards her. Emily and Ash stood behind her, doubled over as they attempted to catch their breath. The blue haired girl held up a newspaper to her, still breathing heavily. " read the headlines today?" She panted. She raised an eyebrow. "Why, what's wrong?" Redd asked cautiously, worrying deep down if there had been some sort of accident that had happened to her father or her family. Emily offered the newspaper again. Scared, Redd took it from her with words sitting heavily in her throat. Small Town of Ananke's Citizens Disappear. The fear vanished from Redd's heart, confusion instead set in. Ash ran a hand through his brown hair, interest in his brick-red eyes. "Weird, am I right? How could a whole town just abandon it?" He mulled aloud, wrinkling his nose in distaste and disrupting the freckles on his nose. Redd's eyes went to Emily, who looked incredibly uncomfortable as she fidgeted with her hands.

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