Back in Time With a Stranger

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Already it's morning and Milo and Vale aren't back yet. Whoever this person is they haven't tried getting out again but they fell asleep at one point. I dosed off a bit myself but not for long since I remembered that this person was still in the twins' room so I ended up taking the babies back into my room. I'm still with Clock Boy now and his eyes are fluttering. I lift the air freshener up to protect myself and he looks up at me. The gears in his eyes are beginning to swirl once more as he looks up to my face. 

"Morning, Miss." He says with a cheeky grin. I roll my eyes at him and he rolls his head down towards the ground.

"Who are you? Why are you really here?" I ask him and he looks up once more, eyes gleaming. 

"Edgar Cresswell, and I'm looking for someone." He tells me. I cock my eyebrow. 

"Aren't we all?" I chuckle and he shakes his head. 

"This is someone that's been... Missing, for sometime now and I heard that she was last seen here." Edgar says. 

"There haven't been many people around here in ages, I know all of them and only a handful have been girls." I told him, now a bit confused since none of those girls were regal in any way.

"I don't mean recently. I mean many years ago her family was killed in the war and their daughter skipped over to the area, maybe just a few weeks old. She matured awfully quick for a baby and she was one of the firsts to." Edgar replies. 

"A baby? Ha! The only babies around here are Angus and Isis and I was there when they were born." I say to him.

"It was years ago I said!" He yelps out. I rolled my eyes. 

"How many years ago?" I ask him and he laughs out loud. 

"At least fifteen years ago!" he bursts out. I freeze. My brother told me nothing of a baby girl running around here when I was born.

"Why are you looking for this girl anyways?" I ask him. 

He shakes his head. "Classified information that only I can know about. Let's just say that she's important and some people are after me because they want her and they think I know where she is." He told me. I lick my lips and carefully look at him. 

"What's her name?" I ask him and he smirks. 

"I've been told her name is Iris, Iris Idris is what she goes by now. I was told she's near here and I'm sort of in a rush trying to get away from the people after me and after her. Now, have you heard of her?" He asks. I barely hear him since my world has quickly turned into black.

When I wake up I can see that Edgar was out of the chair and leaning over me. 

"Oh good, you're awake!" He exclaims happily and leans back on his heels. I groan and pull my hand up to my head. 

"Bloody hell that hurt." I moan and try to sit up but spots cover my vision slightly and Edgar carefully leans me back down. 

"Um, so did you know of this Iris girl? I mean that's not her real name, but that's what she grew up knowing." He says. I debate in my head over in over as if in a cycle if I should tell him or not. I chicken out and decide against it. 

"Yes, but I haven't seen her in a long time. Iris was a good friend of mine before she ran off." I lie.

"Do you know where she went?" He asks me. I'm about to shake my head but then I get an idea. 

"She had a watch of some sort that she made, she time traveled. Went back to before the Thousand Year War to get away from all the stress going on. Took her a few years to make the watch so she lived here and I got to know her." I tell him, and if I'm lucky I won't be lying and this boy will take me back in time and away from here. 

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