Colonial Williamsburg: The Ball and the Quick Escape

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"You've got to be kidding me!" I groaned, staring at the paper that Edgar had shoved into my face. It was the early afternoon of our second day there. Only now was I finding out that there was going to be a BLOODY BALL tonight in the palace. Edgar and I had a letter from Lord Dunmore himself telling us of it, and pretty much saying that it was mandatory since he was letting us sleep in his home. 

"Come on, Vic. It'll be fun!" Edgar exclaimed with an obvious little kid's glee in his voice. "And better yet, the whole town will be there so if Iris is there, we'll find her!"

I didn't want to dissapoint him of how he had already found her so I just rolled my eyes and sat back down onto the garden bench.

"Eddie, this means we have to go clothes shopping again and that is terribly boring." I told him with a yawn.

"Come on, we should go get our things for it now rather than later." he said and pulled me off of the bench, dragging me out of the gardens and straight to the clothes shop. I heard the small bell ring once more and I groaned inwardly. 

"Hello, sirs, what can I get for you today?" the kind-looking lady asked us. 

"Outfits for the ball? Only the most fashionable from England please." Edgar told her with a snoot. I sneered at him. 

"Right, I just got these in this morning. Go ahead inside and try them on." She said and motioned towards the small fitting-room type things. I walked into one and Edgar was in the one beside me. In my room was a box filled with men's clothes. I grimaced and began picking at them until I saw something I liked. (AN: The Link on the side has the outfits) Once I was in my outfit, I felt slightly pleased by the look and walked out to see Edgar and what he thought. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at his. 

"Oh shut up!" He yelped at me. I just shook my head and smiled. 

"Karma is such a bitch, brother." I said to him. 

"What did I do wrong?" He jabbered. 

"For not telling me who Iris is! Now come on, let's get out of these monkey suits and go see the girls." I said and walked back into the dressing room. After I had changed back into my newer outfit (Just like the first one that I got but this one was a different, blue-er colour) I walked back out to see Edgar buying our clothes. Then we thanked the woman and left.

"Victoria, I really like it here." He said quietly and his soft side is letting out, ie. he used my name.

"I know, I do too." I said with a sigh. 

"Are you going to tell me where we're going next?" He asked me then. I smirked and looked at him.

"I'll tell you tomorrow after we say goodbye to the girls if we don't see Iris at the ball." I promised him. He nodded and we entered the palace once more. The maid rushed over to us and took our clothes up to our room so we could go to class with the girls, since I had so kindly asked during breakfast if we could learn with them. I had no idea how to dance...

When we reached the girl's room a little ways from our own I knocked on the door and the governess opened the door, the girl's nanny. 

"We've been expecting you too, come in." She said with a smile and opened the door for us to enter. Augusta and Catherine both smiled their hellos to us and then it was all serious. And so we were taught to dance. (AN: the video to the side explains the dance instead of me :))

I was partnered with Catherine since she was shorter so I could reach her, Edgar was taller so he was partnered with Augusta. We spun around together, the four of us, and then the girls twirled so we had switched partners and we repeated the waltz. Finally we were finished with only a few hours until the time of the ball.

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