Second Time: WWII London, England

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Blink. I groan as a shot of pain rips through my head.

Blink. Blink. I can notice that all I am seeing is black and not a single sound fills my ears.

BLINKBLINKBLINKBLINKBLINKBLINKBLINKBLINKBLINK! I'm almost freaking out now, I really didn't want to end up like Helen Keller, no offense. Anyway... I can remember what happened now.

Edgar and I laughing.

The bomb going off.

Waking up and not being able to hear or see....

Suddenly a small light begins to stream through my opened eyes, I rub them to help the light flow through. I'm beginning to see again! Yes! I grin as my sight is fully restored, but the grin fades far too quickly. All there is around me is rubble, glass and wood piles strewn about the room. As my hearing begins to return I can hear a loud ringing echo through the room. I sigh, blink against the dark night sky that I look up to now, and then the thought from before comes back.

"Edgar." I muttered and as if on cue I hear a groan, along with the sound of gears spinning. It's night time, I can see that now, but I sure as hell can see his bloody glowing eyes.

"Hey, Victoria." I heard Edgar groan from a little ways away. I jumped and pushed the debris from me in a hurry and rushed to Edgar's side.

"Are you ok?" I asked, looking my up and down for any injuries. I could see some of the gears in his chest churning, his shirt had ripped a bit, and his arm looked a bit beat up and could use some new screws.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. But you need to wrap that up." Edgar advised, pointing to my forehead. I cocked my eyebrow and lifted my hand up to my face, and when my hand pulled away there was blood on my fingers. I gulped, I never was one for blood.

"Right, erm, yeah." I felt a bit lightheaded. Edgar noticed and immediately jumped up and ripped off a bit of his ripped up shirt, beginning to wrap it around my head.

"You'll be ok. I can find some more gears and screws out in the rubble or something." Edgar mumbled, half speaking to himself.

"If we can find my bag, I have some extra things in there." I mumbled and finally my head was patched up. My hand reaches to feel it and I have a quick heart attack when I don't feel much hair, until I remember that I had cut off most of it before I had met Edgar, actually I had chopped it off the day before.

"Come along, let's search for that bag." Edgar said softly and helped my up. We wrapped an arm over each other's shoulders to keep the other up from our wounds and then a quick flash goes through the room, followed by a loud boom! Another bomb had gone off a little ways away. The full moon guided us as we started our search for the bag and soon enough I found it.

It was hanging off a small bit of wood hanging from the building.

"Edgar! Found it!" I called and I gulped as I started making my way for it. He looked to where I was headed and we stood at the edge together.

"I'll hold onto you, Victoria, as you grab it quick. I don't like the idea but I'll be too heavy to go get it." Edgar explained. I took a deep breath and nodded as I lowered myself to the floor on my stomach and began my descent towards the bag. Edgar held tight to my legs as I crept forward. Then that bloody noise, the sound of something falling. Something really big.

It was another bomb, headed straight towards the street beside the inn. I hurried faster and finally had the bomb in my fingers, but before I could pull away from the edge the bomb hit the street, causing another BOOM and another flash of light. Only this time, I was in a totally new spot from the reverberations and such. I was hanging off the side of the building now, clinging to the wood with my legs dangling over the side, the bag still in my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2013 ⏰

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