Colonial Williamsburg: The Governor's Palace

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 I click the button and with a pop it flips open in my hand.

"Finally!" Comes a voice from inside the watch. There I can see a face, a face inside of my watch.


"Oh, well hello, Iris lovely! Nice to see your face again. You've got Milo jumping from wall to wall trying to find you." He says. 

"I am sorry for leaving but if you read my note then you'd know why I had to go! Now what the hell are you doing in my bloody watch?!" I yelp out. 

"It's not an ordinary pocket watch, love. It's a communicator. Not like the old-time cell phones but this is much cooler! I can communicate with the watch that looks like mine. Now, if you have this watch then that must mean that you're with my Tempus Viventibus..." 

"You're Tempus Viventibus?! You have to be kidding me, Vale! You had something that could time travel and DIDN'T TELL ME?!" I scream but then I notice that Edgar is still up ahead a bit and keep on walking, but much slower this time. 

"Well he was away! When he got back I was going to bring him to you, I swear! I sent him on a wild goose-hunt as people would say." Vale tells me.

"What kind of hunt?" I ask him. 

"He's... After someone, someone awefully important. I left him a trail to go through and he must have picked you up along the way. 

"Vale, I know he's looking for me. He doesn't know who I am." I whisper so Edgar won't hear. 

"I assumed that, now I guess this means he's asked you where to go and you must be somewhere long in the past. Now, I'm going to send a list to your watch. I know you wanted to travel and these are the places you can go. After that, if he hasn't figured out who you are already, you may tell him. He needs to trust you and vice versa. I will tell you in good time why, I will call you back later." Vale says and then his face pops and he's gone. Just like that!

"VALE!" I scream but I know he's gone. I groan and then words begin to form, making the numbers disappear from my watch so I can see them better. 


See these in this order!

London, England September 7th, 1940

Boston, Massachusetts February 1st, 1692

New York, New York April 16th 2021

The Big Bang

Our Homeplace, Mondria (Earth with its now very small population is called Mondria) October 31st, 4021



Then the words disappeared with new ones to replace it. 

Just say "Show me the time" and the list will appear again.


Then they disappeared once more. Suddenly a voice inturrupted my thoughts.

"Victor! Come on!" I heard Edgar yell. I shook my head quickly to snap out of my thoughts and began running back to him, putting my watch back into the ribbon on my hat. Finally I had caught up with him and he was at the door to a palace-looking place.

"I'm guessing this is the governers palace?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Oh yes... Now, let's go befriend the lovely daughters, eh?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes with a chuckle and followed him to the doorstep, my hands folded behind my back. Edgar gives me one last look before he places a loud knock on the door. 

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