First Time: Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

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Edgar and I walk through the streets, heads low to avoid odd looks and such. 

"Ok, either we get you a dress or you're to be a boy... but being a boy may be a bit hard for you since, well, you know..." He mummers in my ear. I cock my eyebrow and then look to where his eyes keep darting.

"Oi! Stop looking there! I can tie up the girls with a fabric bandage. I've done it before to be able to hang out with some boys when I was little." I hiss at him. 

He shook his head. "But aren't they a bit...erm... bigger now?" He asks me. 

I look down once more and groan. "They're only big because of the corset! Now, if you'll stop looking at my breasty business then we can get going and I can get something to tie them up. I'll be a boy and that's that." I say finally. He gulps but goes along with it. 

"Could I just grab you a dress, just in case?" he asks me. 

"Fine, but I need a boy's suit or whatever it is that the men wear around here." I tell him.

"I'll get you your outfits, I already know your size--I'm just smart I guess--and then I'll bring it back to you. For know I guess we should check in at the inn." he tells me and then grabs my hand, tugging me along behind him as we rush to the inn nearby before someone notices that I'm a girl. 

"How many people and how long?" the man at the front desk mutters as Edgar and I walk over to him. I keep my head low and I glance to Edgar. 

"Two men, for... I think three nights will do." Edgar answers properly. The man looks up at us and I keep my head low as I look at him up through my eyelashes. 

"Alright, all rooms are full except for one, there isn't anyone more inside if that is alright. It's cramped space with one bed." He tells us. Edgar nods and takes the key from the man as he held it out. 

"What room?" Edgar asks snottily. 

"Upstairs, all the way down the right hall and it's the last door on the left." He tells us. Edgar nods once more and takes hold of my wrist and pulls me upstairs and drags me into our room. Now I finally look up to be able to see. It takes me a moment to actually see the room since it's so bloody dark but then I can see. Well, the man at the front desk was right. One twin sized bed, one little window, enough room for us to walk slightly but not enough to really do anything, and there is also a chamber pot and cupboard for clothes.

"Well this is interesting." I say sarcastically and sit on the bed. I groan, it's hay underneath the sheets! Edgar sits beside me and groans too. 

"Not only must we share a bed, it's not even a bed!" he mumbles. 

"UsSharing a bed?! Oh no no no no no no nooooo, if I have to I'll take the floor!" I exclaim. He rolls his eyes. 

"That is highly illogical, neither of us feel any sexual attraction to each other therefor we can sleep in the same bed without it being awkward." he tells me in his I'm so Smart voice. I roll my eyes. 

"Not until you wake up with a boner as all normal males do in the mornings." I mumble very quietly. 

"What was that?" He asks me. 

I shake my head. "Oh nothing, just glad that you let me come along." I add a grin to it like a cherry on ice cream. 

He smiles back at me. "You're very welcome Victoria. Now, let's go get you some clothes." he tells me. 

"But I thought I was going to stay here?" I ask confused. He shakes his head. 

"I'm not leaving you alone, this inn is filled with horny men." he says. I burst out laughing at him and he's just confused. 

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