The ghosts of Professors past

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"Clapping (verb) repeatedly high fiving yourself for someone else's accomplishments" anonymous

"For every minute you are angry, you lose one minute of happiness" Ralph Waldo Emerson


When the cannons exploded with an ear shattering boom releasing roaring orange flames, I fell off my seat in shock. I wasn't the only one either, most of the Bizzareos looked like they had all suffered from the same heart palpitations as me, Matilda Mathers a tall girl with broad shoulders and a smile to match was lying on the floor after being helicoptered in the face by Franklin. When the cannons went off and I went flying onto the floor, stocky Kronk hoisted the much smaller Franklin up over his head trying to protect himself and, due to his lack of muscle (fourteen years of sleep should not be a part of a muscle building regime just a heads up) after three seconds of adrenaline, Franklins weight became too much and the two of them went teetering over into Matilda. Matilda, who was already leaping unstable on her chair after dodging a flailing arm that belonged to the gangly Buster.

The whole thing was a huge shemozzle. Nobody else seemed to notice though, they were all up on their feet stomping and clapping in a fast rhythm. Boom, Boom, Clap, Boom, Clap, Boom, Boom, Clap, Boom, clap, boom.

As we all composed ourselves, except for Horace, he was wailing into Ryder's shoulder, who looked rather uncomfortable, we realised that nobody was coming to help us and that it seemed like we were supposed to join in this strange clapping and stomping. Is this how people reacted to explosions now? With clapping and stopping? Is this how we called for help in 2997?

Just as I got the hang of the beat I noticed that there were twelve strange balls hovering up on the roof above the cannons, they must have been the cause of the huge boom. I must have been to distracted by the fire and the noise to notice. I noticed now though and if my heart was palpitating before, it completely stopped when the balls exploded. One by one the popped releasing a huge stream of tiny glittering shapes.

There had been far too many explosions today. I don't think that my heart could take any more of this.

As the glittering fluttered slowly down from the ceiling I couldn't help but be reminded of the first time that I saw the stars.

I had never been outside in my entire life, not once. I had been living in this under-ground base, called Firefox 12 and on my third birthday my parents left my brother and sister with Vally and took me to the astrology room. I had never been there before, not many people had because it was one of the restricted areas, but my family were on the council and had gotten special permission to take me. It was the highest room in Firefox 12, a large round room with an opaque dome shaped ceiling that went transparent with the push of a button. They sat me down in the middle of the room and handed me too bubbles.

"Put them in front of your eyes like this Chaos," my father said gently as he placed two big bubbles in front of his eyes, they seemed to stay there when he wasn't holding them, kind of like floating glasses.

"Like this papa?" I asked as one bubble stayed and the other floated out infront of my face.

He laughed, pushing the bubble back into place with a finger, "almost, there we go. Now come here," and he bundeled me up into his arms again and pointed towards the roof, "Now look out there."

It was the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen. A huge expanse of sky composed of midnight blues and purples, littered with sparling stars. There wasn't a cloud insight.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" My mother said as she came to stand next to us, "Beautiful just like my baby."

"I'm no baby mama!" I replied half heartedly, I couldn't take my eyes off the beautiful stars, "Papa why don't they sparkle? You said they sparkled in the sky but these stars just sit there. Are they sick daddy? Are the sad, are the stars sad like Calamity?" I took my eyes off the sky and looked into my fathers big brown eyes. They seemed sad when I mentioned my sister.

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