Revealing Rooms and Frolicking Feilds

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"The power of choice is one of the greatest powers given to man." Anonymous.

"When people underestimate you, there's a power in you to prove they're wrong. Not to prove them, but to prove yourself." Anonymous.


For the next month I spent the majority of my time with Saffy, Dash and Porter. I saw Calamity and Crisis every day at meal times and during university activities but we never had more than a couple of minutes together. It was alight though, even if they couldn't be there for me I had Ferris, Vally and my friends to help me if I ever felt down about my parents.

Since the angel catching the professors had been focusing on getting us in a routine with no big surprises to throw us off, we all really needed some stability in our lives anyway. We had meals three times a day, activities in the morning and afternoon and free time after dinner until we went to bed. The activities helped introduce us to everyone else in the university, when I say everyone, I mean everyone. I met all two hundred and fifty of the students, all two hundred and fifty of their angels, all seventy professors, all thirty doctors and eleven retrievers. Of course I never remembered all of them, even with Saffy's facial recognition setting we had trouble remembering everyone. I was just thankful that we didn't have to remember everyone that shared the lunch room with us from level 2, there were, Vally said, almost seventy thousand of them.

Apparently there were almost 130 Firefox bases on Earth, each one holding a faction of people that had something in common. What I had no idea. Some Firefox bases were bigger than others, mine had been one of the smallest, aside from the university students, professors and the doctor squad, there was the few scientists that ensured the place had run smoothly. I found out that the people who had survived living on the surface of the Earth became what were now known as the regulars who lived on level 0. I had been wondering a lot lately what it would like to be a regular, to see the sun, to feel the warmth of its rays on my skin. I realised that I had never in my entire life been outside, even now as I was eating breakfast in the Lunch Room, the light above me was coming from the artificial mosaic sky, it does look very real and it feels very real but I know it isn't.

Saffy looked at me as she bit into a piece of toast, she cocked her head to the side and looked at me strangely. We were in the midst of another argument, we had managed to sort out our other tiffs but this one was ongoing. Since the first night we had shared a room, Saffy had noticed that I have nightmares, that I scream and thrash around in my sleep. She thinks that I should go to Vally to get a dream cleanse but I don't want to, even though I can't remember it when I wake up I know that it is important, I know it, I just don't know why. I have the strangest sense of De Ja Vu when I wake up. All I see is a series of blurred image of three moving faces that keep morphing into black shapeless beings but even though I can't see clearly I can hear perfectly fine. There is a woman's voice talking about the stars, and a man who keeps shouting for his son but it is the screaming of the small child that scares me the most. It is so shrill and loud and it never stops, it just keeps going and going until I can hear another person crying and the second I realise that it is me I wake up.

Saffy keeps having to come down from the cloud in the ceiling to see if I'm okay, which I am, just shaken and confused. It's not just because this dream is recurring but its because it is the last thing that I remember before I was forcibly woken up from my slumber by that strange rude woman. Saffy told me not to tell anyone about that incident in the Waking Room, she said that I would be taken in for questioning and eventually labelled a liar, like Crisis. It was then that I learned that Crisis had been so disbelieving of my retelling f events because the same thing had happened to him only when he told Vally about it she had reported it to the Big Guns. When they had bought him in for questioning they had hounded him until he became so frazzled and scared that he had had he was lying. Now he is convinced that he had imagined the whole thing and he was labelled a liar by his fellow classmates from the beginning. Crisis would have been so confused, he woke up form a ten-year sleep to be confronted by a mean woman who told him that his parents had been murdered and then when he had confided in Vally, the only person he remembered he had been carted straight off to be questioned before he even made it to the Introduction Ceremony. When he found out that I wasn't making fun of him, Crisis told me the same thing that Saffy had, I mustn't tell anyone.

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