The past is in the past

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Henry sighed and watched as his warm breath came out in a visible 'puff'. 3 years. He had been here for 3 years. Nobody told him that the curse set would turn his mothers against one another, well everyone against everyone they loved. His grandparents hated one another and so the chances of getting a true loves kiss was slim.

"You're gonna burst a blood vessel thinking that hard."

Henry smiled slightly and looked up at Emma Swan, his mother, just not here.

"Sorry. Sometimes I get lost."

"Well. I'll always find you, but I do know that I was sent here by someone who wants you home, desperately."

Henry smiled. His Storybrooke mother Regina, was not the one he grew up with. She was still the same but less laid back and trusting, something that he heard gad came from his blonde mother.

"Okay. Thanks Emma, I'll head home now. I'll tell my mum you found me."

Henry got up and dusted himself off from the slight frost that had settled on the bench he had sat on.

"C'mon. I'll drive you there kid, don't wanna give your mum anymore reasons to hate me."

Henry smiled and nodded, following Emma to the sheriff's car. Henry got in and immediately felt warmer due to the heating system being on full blast.

"I'll try and get your mum to let us hang out this weekend, if you want?"

Henry looked over and nodded and Emma started the car engine and they set off.

"I don't get why she hates you."

Henry realised he had said it out loud when Emma began to cough.

"Your mother is difficult. Sometimes, the occasional person may try to break that hard extirer, but it doesn't work because she is set on how she wants to be.

Henry looked over with a questioning look.

"What do you mean?"

Emma coughed nervously again.

"Look. Kid, sometimes. You see adults.... we're here."

Henry frowned at his house.

"Thanks Emma."

He gave her a spud and then left her nervously rubbing her neck. Henry got out the car and was instantly in a hug.

"Henry. I was so worried."

"Mum. I'm 16, it's a small town, nothing bad will happen."

Regina huffed and let Henry go before leaning down to glare at Emma, who was sat safely in the vehicle.

"Took you a shile Miss Swan. Maybe we need a new sheriff here, a younger, fitter one."

Emma smirked.

"Whatever you fantasies are Regina. Goodnight."

Regina slammed shut the door and Emma pulled away. Henry watched the car drive out of sight and then turnt to his mother.

"Where were you?"

Regina asked as they walked back towards the house.

"Just at the castle. Me and Emma sometimes hang out there and I just wanted to clear my head. Sorry if I scared you."

They walked inside, Henry shut the door and they removed their coats and shoes in silence.

Regina turnt and smiled at Henry.

"I know you want to be an officer when you grow up so I won't keep you from seeing Emma and the station, but I don't like it, so please don't just disappear without me knowing. You're all I have."

Henry smiled and hugged his mother. The officer thing was the only way for him to see Emma.

"I am sorry mum."

Regina smiled and pushed some hair from his eyes before walking towards the kitchen.

"I got a pizza for dinner. I'll bring it in, we can eat in the living room."

Henry smiled and walked to the front room. He really needed to get his mothers to kiss, 3 years it had taken him to learn that once his mothers were best friends but had fallen out over something stupid. But their love was true and strong and could conquer all, including this. Henry had seen how they looked at each other when they thought no one was looking, they knew, deep down that they were meant to be, and so Henry was going to make it work.


Henry had woke that night at 4am to knocking at the door. He snuck out into the hallway and listened as his mother shout whispered at what sounded like Emma.

"You cannot keep doing this. We made an agreement Emma."

"Yeah. Not one I wanted. Your mother did it. She did all of this."

Henry's eyebrows scrunched at that. Did they already know?

"No. You did this. Always down at the station, going out at night. I wanted a babay Emma. A child for us, but you ruined that. Henry grew ul without you because of that. "

Henry knew that his mother thought she had lived here Henry's entire life. She had baby pictures of him, just another convincing part of the curse, set by his 'granny' as he was forced to call her.

"Regina. You know I tried. I worked night and day to feed our family. We lived in a crappy home, yes. We were barely getting by, yes. But we had love. Then your mother swoops in and gives you this house and then puts you up for mayor and you forget me. She tells you that you don't need me and that it was a lie anyway and you believe it."

Henry could hear a slight crack in Emma's voice and frowns. He never knew that they were together. Or thought they were.

"You need to stop coming here Emma. We are done. We have been done for the last 14 years. Please leave us alone."

"He is my son aswell. It pains me when he calls me Emma. I dream of him calling me mama like he used to. It was his first word Regina, you did this to me."

Henry could practically hear the tears running down Emma's face.

"I'm sorrys, but it's too late. He knows you as the sheriff. I give you time with him but that is it. Now leave, I have a busy day tomorrow."

"With Robin?"

There was sudden venom in Emma's voice and Henry had never heard that sound before, from his mother.

"If you must know, yes. We are going to dinner. I think it is time for Henry to meet him."

"Okay. Let me ask you this though. Will he be seeing you before or after he see's his wife?"

Henry heard a slap sound as skin and skin met forcefully.

"They are no longer together. Now go!"

Henry heard the door slam and his mothers silent sobs. Henry snuck to the window and watched as Emma looked up to his bedroom window and blew a kiss before wiping her tears and blowing a kiss to the door, then leaving.

Henry watched the beetle disappear and layed down on the window sill. Listening to his kothers sobs, he wished to comfort her but that would give him away and so just listened. He felt his eyes closing and drifted off with one last thought.

He will get their happy endings back.

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