do you mind not killing my dad?

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•Camila POV•

"So what are we doing? How much are we getting?" Nobody really tells me these things, I only end up finding out while doing what I have to do.

"A guy asked us to find a drunk  called Frank Gallagher and 'rough him up' a bit, and he said he would pay us $125. Apparently he slept with his wife or something" Lia explained.

"What exactly do you mean by 'rough him up'?"

"Beat him up a bit, give him a black eye and knock a few teeth out."

"Seems easy enough."

We got out the cab and walked over to a bit of grass, well I wouldn't call it grass it was more like a patch of mud filled with broken glass and syringes. As expected, we saw a middle aged man, passed out on the ground with a beer bottle in his hand. Stella picked up the bottle and threw it, causing a loud crash and waking him up.

"Who are you? What do you want?" He asked us, looking around confused.

"We are here to do our job" Lia stated before pulling him up off the ground by his collar. I immediately smelt the alcohol coming off him. I have seen too many people like this in my life, and I'm only 16.

"And what exactly is that jo-" He gets cut off as Stella punches his face, sending a couple of teeth flying to the ground. She does it again, until there is a trail of blood pouring out his mouth and his lip is cut. Lia and I haven't even started yet.

"He's all yours" Stella kicks him on the ground and takes a rag out  of her pocket to wipe her grazed knuckles. Lia makes a swift kick to his stomach, causing him to groan and curl into a ball. She does it again but aims for his crotch this time. Always the place to go to hurt a guy.

Finally its my turn. I get Lia to hold him up, with his arms behind his back so he couldn't fight back. I doubt  he could now anyway, he's almost unconscious. I make a sharp punch to his face, and again, and again. I can already see the black eye forming, along with a bruise on his cheek. I go to make my final punch, probably about to knock him out, when I hear a deep voice behind me.

"Do you mind not killing my dad? Hard to believe but we kind of need him." As I turned around, with my fist still held in the air, I saw the owner of the voice.

The boy was tall, and had a muscular build. He seemed around my age but looked much older. His hair was a dirty kind of blonde, almost brown, and it was getting long. I must have been staring too long because he started waving his hand in front of my face.

"Hello? Are you there?" He laughed. I did a sarcastic smile back and turned back around to throw my last punch. But before I could hit him, someone grabbed my wrist and stopped me. I looked up and saw the boy, with a pleading look on his face.

"Please don't" He took his hand of my wrist and took a step back, awaiting my decision.

"And why not? I have no reason not to." I replied, sounding pissed that he was taking my time that I could use to be doing something useful.

"Uh... He's my dad. He owes me money. He signs papers sometimes. But wait," He tilted his head up to look at us. "why are you even doing this?" He asked, with confused look on his face.

"We have a jo-" "He called us sluts and he got what was coming" Stella cut me off, then gave me an annoyed glare. Was I not supposed to tell him?

"Well I'm sorry he said that." He gave us a suspicious look, before walking away.

"Wait! Who are you?" I had to find out who he was, he was too cute to let go. Maybe he goes to my school.

"I'm Carl Gallagher"

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