this isn't high school musical

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Song: Desire by Years and Years

Camila POV

As soon as I arrived at the party, the stench of alcohol flooded my senses. I never really drank much, but when I did I drank a lot. I recognised people from school as I walked through the house. I finally found the drink table, choosing a non-alchoholic drink. I aimlessly walked around, while sipping on my cup of sprite, while trying to find something to do. I was about to leave when I hear someone shout my name over the blasting music.



"Over here!"

I turned around, and if course, I saw Carl. The boy that had been occupying my mind, in both good and bad ways.

"Oh, hey Carl"

"Babe, aren't you happy to see me?"

The way he called me 'babe' made my stomach fill with butterflies and do flips.

"No not really, you're kind of a dick"

"Ouch, that one hurt"

"See? You're just some cocky kid who thinks he can smirk his way into any girls pants"

"Its not like that. Alright, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come across like a dick"

"I accept your apology"

"Thankyou, do you want anything better to drink?"


He grabbed my hand and walked me over to the table, making sure I didn't get lost. Heat ran through my body from where here touched my hand, and made my heart beat even faster. I took the red cup he handed me, and downed the clear liquid without a second thought in hopes of getting rid of this jittery feeling. He raised his eyebrows, looking impressed.

"What? I was getting tired of soda"

He laughed at my comment, then proceeded to pour us both another drink.

After a few more drinks, I was dragging Carl onto the dancefloor. He was like a rock while I was dancing around.

"Come on Carl, just dance with meee" I said, dragging out the word 'me' and giving him puppy eyes.

"I don't dance Camila"

"This isn't High School Musical, loosen up, have fun"

I put my hands on his hips, connecting them to mine, and moved them along to the music.

Is it desire
Or is it love that I'm feeling for you?
I want desire
Cause your love only gets me abused

After a few more moments of him getting into it, he took my hands off and connecting them, both of us continuing dancing. His hands moved into the air, and started to spin me like a ballerina, while singing loudly to the blasting music and adding to the noise.

Where are you taking me?
I can't be blamed
I want you to want me again

The more the music continued to play, the more the alcohol made me hazy. I still continued to dance though, putting my arms around Carls neck and swaying to the music. He didnt look as wasted as me, which was a good thing.

An hour must have passed, and people started heading out the door. It must be around 2 am. Damn, my sisters are gonna be pissed.

"Um.. Carl, can you do meee" his eyebrow raised as the word became elongated , and I pointed towards my chest " a big favour?"

"What is it baby?" He smiled, and manage me make you blush even more.

"My sisters are gonna be mad because its sooo late, so can you please walk me home?" The last word came out as a hiccup, making Carl laugh.

"Sure baby, let me get my jackets, come on" He held his hand out, beckoning me towards him.

Carls POV (omg!!)

The walk to Cammies house was just her falling onto me, then me eventually putting her on my back like a child. And then her falling asleep against me. Then it dawned on me, where was I even going? I dont know where she lived. She just pointed and said 'that way'.

"Cammie..Cam....Camila... baby where do you live?"

"um, what?" I heard her whisper in my ear and then yawn down the back of my neck.

"I dont know where we're going"

"Oh yeah right, uh, you know the big apartment complex near..uh... the school fi.." I felt her head go limp against the crook of my neck. Wow, she really cant handle her booze. I got most of what she said, so I headed towards the school field.

I eventually got there, seeing the building tower over us. Wow, there has got to be an elevator. I pressed the buzzer for aparment 12, seeing the 'Cecelia, Estelle and Camila' label marking their button. After a moment of silence, with only the wind to be heard, there was a muffling and then someone shouting through the intercom.

"Hello? Do you know what fucking time it is?!"

"Oh um sorry for waking you, but I have Cammie asleep on my back"

"Oh ok, bring her up to floor 6"

The doors buzzed open, revealing a hallway with postboxes on the wall and a large metal elevator on the other side. I quickly jumped into the elevator, and readjusted Cammie on my back before pressing the 6 button.


so guys yes im back, tbh I have no excuse for no updates except that I deleted Wattpad for a while. But I'm back now and hopefully going to be active. I've changed my name on here because of the amazing show 'skam', and I was thinking of starting a book for jonas/magnus or just in general for it, so if anyone would like to see that let me know!!! I hope you like the updateeee be looking out for more soon , and againnn I'm sorry guys


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