you don't scare me, bitch.

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Camila POV

As I was walking home, all I could think about was him. I didn't really know anything about him, except that he was called Carl and his dad was an alcoholic.  He seemed like a family person, since he tried to save his dad. His family were probably very family-orientated too. Did he even have a family?

Once we got home, I went straight to bed like I had been planning to do before. I quickly changed into a vest and pajama shorts before getting under the covers. I put my phone on charge and turned on my alarms, since Stella and Lia probably won't be awake early tomorrow morning. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.


Waking up was easy this morning, which was a change, since I got a decent amount of sleep last night despite what happened. Getting ready was easy and quick too, because I chose to wear jean overalls, which went just above my knees, and a baby pink  crop-top underneath. I wore my hair in to  french braids on each side of my head, and put on light makeup.

As I was walking into the kitchen, I started blasting Drake from my phone, not really caring if I woke anyone up. I grabbed some microwave pancakes from the fridge and put them in then grabbed a glass and some orange juice. I had finished guzzling down my first glass of cold juice when the microwave beep  beep went off causing me to almost drop the glass on the floor.

While I eating the pancakes I heard a bedroom door creak open behind me and the pit pat of footsteps coming up behind me. I could tell it was Lia by her footsteps, since we all live together I can tell who is walking by the sound of their feet. Just as she was about to creep up on me I twisted her arm around she was pushed against the counter with her arm in my grip.

"Woah! What are you? A hawk?" Lia laughed even though my hold on her bicep was probably hurting her.

"I heard the door open" I replied laughing along.

I released her arm and finished off my pancakes, then checked the time. 7:24am. I still had 6 minutes before I had to leave so I went to grab my headphones so I could still listen to music at school.

"We haven't got anymore jobs to do for a couple of weeks, so try and be social, maybe go to a party." Stella informed me.

"When have you ever known me to be social?" I laughed.

"Never. But just try, and I'm very surprised that you, a teenager, are passing up permission to go to a party." Lia joined in the conversation, putting emphasis on the 'you'

"But I liked going to your guys parties, they were so much fun"

"Yes we know, but no more for you after what happened before, or should I say who happened before" Lia replied, showing sadness on her face.

Stella, Lia and I went to a friends summer party, and Lia's boyfriend Elijah tagged along. Halfway through the party, I am basically drunk, dancing on the dancefloor when some guy comes up behind me and starts grinding on me. We both get really into it, considering I'm almost passed out from how much I was drinking. After about 10 minutes the guy whispers in my ear ' lets take this upstairs and have a little fun, I promise I won't tell your sister' When I turned around I saw that dumbass Elijah. Ever since then I wasn't aloud to any 'adult parties' with them anymore.

"Ok I'll try, but I'm not getting any promises" I agreed, before heading out the door.


'Kush rolled, glass full, I prefer the better things'

The music flowed into my ears through my headphones, making me forget I was in this hell hole. As I turned the corner into a new hallway, some guy knocked me on the floor along with my books, and almost falling on top of me. Thankfully, to save myself more embarrassment of a guy on top of me at school, he gripped the wall to keep himself upright. But, I still ended up sprawled on the floor with my books scattered.

"Woah! I'm sor- Hey! You're that girl from last night."

I looked up and saw those same blue eyes I dreamed about. It was Carl, the family man.

"Oh yeh, it's me. Can you help me get my books please?" I asked, batting my eyelashes.

"Oh! Yeh, sure ok" He bent down and grabbed the philosophy books, piling them in his toned arms. I took them, since I was now standing, waiting for him to ask the obvious question.

"What were you doing last night?" Wow, he got straight to the point.

"Like my sister said your dad called us sluts, so he got what he deserved" I tried to walk away before he could try and ask me more, but his hand pressed against the red lockers stopped me. That caused me to be trapped between his muscular arms and the cold locker door. His bent his face down towards mine, since there was a considerable height difference between us.

"I'm not gonna ask you again. What were you doing last night?" His voice was deep and gravely, he probably thought he was scaring me.

"You don't scare me, bitch" I glared daggers at him, before pushing his arm away and storming off towards philosophy.


It was finally lunch, my favorite time of the school day. I bought a greasy slice of pizza and a bottle of water before heading towards the roof of the gym. I often sat there since I didn't have any friends at this school. I put my headphones in again and played The Weekend Loft Music. After I finished my lunch, if it could even be considered that, I started looking through snapchat and instagram, seeing if anything exciting was  happening.

I clicked on some blonde girls instagram, and saw that she was having a party in a pool house somewhere. It did look fun since there was a pool, and plus my sister did want me to try and be social.

I saved the info about the party then set off for the rest of the school day


It was now Friday, the day of this party everybody had been talking about at  school. I had gone out previously that week to get a dress for the party, since everything in my wardrobe didn't satisfy me.

I chose a nude body-con dress, which clung to my curves and sexily accentuated them, and I also bought some nude pumps to match. I liked wearing high heels because they made me feel sexy, and my legs look endless.

As soon as I got home, I got in the shower to wash up and make sure I was freshly shaven and my hair was clean. I got out in half an hour since I had shaved the night before and it didn't take that long to wash my hair.

Once I got out, I put on some nice VS underwear that matches. Since I was 16, it didn't matter to me or my sisters if I had sex. They both thought I was mature enough to make my own decisions and I am. But of course I'm going to have some fun.

I finished my makeup, making sure I added some extra gold to my eyes so I stand out. Gold and a nude color always went well on me so it was often what clothes I would wear. 

Since my hair was only mid torso length, it didn't take long to curl it. Once I was officially done with everything else, I grabbed my dress and slid into it along with my heels. Before I left, I made sure to take a slow sexy strut past my body-length mirror, swinging my hips along with the music blasting round my room. I was in a very feminine attitude, so Lies by Marina and the Diamonds was playing from the speakers.

Once I got to the front door, I grabbed my purse and keys and headed out towards this party.

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