Journey for the Gem- Chapter 8

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Jade took a deep breath and pulled herself up onto a ledge from the roof overhead. There was no way she was just going to let the guy catch her. Isis inside of her said to get away from him fast, and that's what Jade planned to do. She willed herself not to look down, scream, cry, pass out, or anything of that sort. Jade heard the guy in the Goth outfit gasp as she started to run away across the thin, rickety roof. As Jade looked back, she saw Ruby focusing on the guy, lips tight, and knew that she was saying a spell to make him fall, for he had climbed onto the roof as well. What was this, Who's the Biggest Dare-devil? Thought Jade, trying to keep her balance while watching the dude, Ruby, Jasper, and Opal. Jasper was biting his lip while Opal was mouthing oh no over and over again.

Jade glanced at the dude and saw that he had pulled out the same stick Missy had pulled out. He was going to try and make her fall off the roof. Jade had no time to freak out, because just then her foot slipped on the ancient roof, twisting and sending her tumbling over the edge of the roof. She landed hard on some broken glass, but even worse on the other side of the roof, far from her friends. Jade sucked in a large breath, wincing. Miraculously, she didn't seem very hurt. Some broken glass was embedded in her palms, and her ankle was probably broken, but that was it.


Ruby paused, hands on her knees, wheezing and panting for breath. Opal had successfully managed to knock the guy off the roof their way, and he had skidded across the ground, limp.

"Hi, Ruby," Ruby heard Jade say. Ruby slowly turned her head in the direction of the voice, grinning.

"Hey Jade! You're alive!" Ruby said, running toward her.

"Yeah, I'm alive, but I think I broke my ankle," Jade said, wincing just a little bit.

Ruby crouched down next to her, muttering another healing spell. Jade smiled a little bit as she picked herself up, limping slightly.

"That's a little better, thanks," Jade told Ruby.

Opal and Jasper flew around the corner, smiling in relief when they saw Ruby and Jade.

"Hey, thanks, Rube. Do you think you could go to school tomorrow, Jade? 'Cause we need to at least not worry our parents... Sorry, Jade, I didn't think," said Opal in one breath, turning slightly pale as she said "worry our parents" to Jade.

"Sure I can!" beamed Jade a little bit too brightly. She stopped limping a little more when she straightened. "What are you waiting for, let's go," Jade said as she confidently took the lead. Ruby caught up to her, leaving Jasper behind to help Opal erase their tracks. (Ruby didn't even know why; it's not like anyone would come with a detective case and see their footprints, follow them, then turn them into the police for a crime they didn't commit, but who cared what she thought? Off-track, Ruby needed to go to Jade right now.) Ruby caught up to Jade and took her arm, which was glistening with water; no, it was warm.

Ruby glanced up at Jade's face and found the answer. It was tears; Jade was crying. Ruby wrapped her arm around Jade's shoulders, comforting her the very best way possible that a friend could. Plus, Jade was about to fall, so that helped.


Jade sobbed into Ruby's warm coat that she had found. Her leg still hurt very badly. She couldn't believe that she was technically an orphan now. Her mother was dying insanely on the kitchen floor, now covered with blood, and her father was somewhere dead. This couldn't get any worse, instead if all of her friends dropped dead on the spot. That's all everybody thinks now; dead, dead, dead, dead! Didn't matter, did it? No one could see her right now, inside her own head. Orphan, you're an orphan... that dreaded word kept repeating itself over and over in her head. Suddenly, Jade had found the answer she needed. Isis whispered encouraging words to her. She would face this, thing, and not cry anymore. Whoever she loved (except for her mom) had gone somehow or suffered because of her feelings. Jade would not put up with this anymore; she would not and could not do this. She dried off her tears, and sat down in the grass, applying some makeup in a sample store right next to her so that no one except for Ruby would see that she'd been crying. After Opal and Jasper had caught up, they walked so that they were in an abandoned alley. Jade and Ruby lay down on one side and Opal and Jasper on the other. Everyone huddled together for warmth since it was starting to get cold.

"Hey, Opal, is there a fire spell? 'Cause I'm sure Jasper's hair could very well be used as a torch," said Jade. Everybody laughed harder than they should have.

"So, you still can go to school tomorrow, right?" asked Opal timidly.

"Wow, Opal, I'd never thought I'd say this, but you have reached new limits to Nerdosity," said Ruby. Opal was silent after that, and so was everyone else.

The dreary cold weather pressed on, and Jade even felt herself huddling up to Jasper, which she never thought that she would do. (It must've been seriously cold then, Jade said later.)

{A/N: hey guys! I just thought of something: send me a private message if you want me to read your book. If you vote, I'll read the first 2-4 parts (depends on how long the parts are) and I'll tell you what I think. All you've got to do is either vote or comment. Thanks! PS I LOVE THE NEXT CHAPPY, had sooo much fun updating. Well, I'm going on a sleepover today, so I can't update again today, but I'll try and upload tomorrow. If I get 3 votes and 2 comments, I'll be happy to upload twice tomorrow and read your books. Thanks! Love, ridingrl. };C). }

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