Journey for the Gem- Chapter 14

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Opal was freaking out.

"They should be here... what took them so long... I hope they are okay... AHH!"

Jasper had touched her shoulder to comfort her and she had gone all major-kung-fu-girl on him. He was immediately slapped on the face. Jasper didn't try to comfort her again.

Suddenly, she heard a quiet swoosh as Jade stepped onto the stretchers and towed Ruby in after her.

"Ruby! Jade! Are you guys okay? What happened to Ruby? Why were you guys down there so long? Was it a TransPortal thing? Who was down there? Why is Ruby unconscious? Who-"

"SHUT UP! I'll tell you once you close that thing on your face called a motor-mouth," Jade said, hefting Ruby up gently. When she saw the hurt look on Opal's face, she sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm just stressed, I didn't mean that." After she had told them the whole story, they started making a sling and a bandage out of a kit that they had found in a bag on the stretcher. Opal's crazy mother actually might have been a real doctor, shock.


Ruby stirred, and every bone in her body protested. She could make out the faces of Jasper, Opal, and Jade sitting over her.

"How are you?" Opal asked, gently adjusting a bandage covering her chest.

"Well, if you count feeling like crud good, then good."

"We're sorry we couldn't make a better rib cast." That was Jasper's voice.

"It's fine."

Ruby struggled to sit, despite Opal's and Ruby's protests. Pain shot through her chest, but she ignored it.

"We've got Las Vegas to go to now."


So Ruby wanted to finish the quest after she had almost gotten herself killed, great.

"Well, if you choose to almost die again, we can revive you with the ManyGems stone," Jade said.

Ruby made a face at her, wincing in pain. Jade grimaced with her, thinking that if she had seen that cage, none of this would've happened. She cast a quick healing spell, and Ruby sighed in relief.

"Hey, Jade, thanks for helping me. And yes, you can revive me if I almost die again, because we are going to go get that gem. Can you get us out of here?"

Jade smiled. "Of course I can!" She began reciting another spell.

"Out of darkness, into light, out of blindness into sight we bring Isis the request to become a life form and walk among the over world. I bring to Isis nothing but a wish, no schemes, no gifts, but love and faith. Ra, Horus, Nut, and Isis reunite as I say this: the day has come to find the upper life and see how to live as life forms. This is the one wish I ask."

"How the heck did you memorize that, and who gave that to you?" asked Jasper, awestruck.

Jade frowned, puzzled. She thought that he had given the spell to everybody. "Onyx did. Didn't he give that to ya'll?"

Jasper, Opal, and Ruby shook their heads in unison.


Ruby was suddenly frozen as a light glow filled the room. She could tell that everyone else was also.

She could now see what the darkness was filled with. Bats were all around. Shrieking, screeching, crying, their beady red eyes looked blood-thirsty.

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