Journey for the Gem- Chapter 16

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Opal sniffled. Her head throbbed; hair littered the floor. Blood was pouring out of Ruby's nose, and Jade's face looked swollen at the jaw. 

The cat creatures lugged them out of the car and roughly pushed them forward. It was dark, and the holes in the ground were almost impossible to step over. You had to be careful of where you were stepping in case of twisting your ankle, which Jasper did. 

When they made it into the jailed prison, the stench was rotten. It seemed that every jail they passed was occupied by bony skeleton kids. It was so horrible to see that Opal had to speed up quickly, despite the guard's mutterings.


Jade was freaked out. She sensed magic here, and she knew that no one else beside her sensed it. She had gotten the cat with the whip as a guard; stupid lady luck.  

Jade stumbled into a hole and felt her ankle twist. Now she knew how Jasper had felt when he had cried out, though hers burned more fiercely, for it was her injured leg. Even though it hurt like heck, Jade kept walking.  

Ruby, Jasper, and Opal were thrown into a prison first. Jade stepped forward, expecting to be tossed into there next. But the cats wordlessly closed and locked the prison and started walking.  

Jade heard her group start to cry out. She turned her head with difficulty (the cats had her on both sides) and shook her head slightly. Their sounds stopped immediately, though Jade saw the glimmer of tears on Opal's face before turning away.  

"What's da matter, cat got your tongue?" the same cat creature who had said that before chortled as he shoved her into a much dirtier cell and she didn't speak. Jade almost pitied the other cats; the joke had to be eons old. 

"You've got a whole room to yourself, yet you're not jumping for joy, kid. Enjoy the cell while you can; you're not going to be here much longer." 

The creatures left cackling. It was going to be a long night. Suddenly Jade spotted the keys. Maybe it was going to be a less long night.


Jasper tried not to cry along with the yowling girls. Who knew if Jade was even alive or not! Opal curled up against him to keep warm, while Ruby (quote) "was not that shallow".  

Jasper heard a tinkling of keys about an hour later. Opal was fast asleep, and so was Ruby. He quickly woke both the girls up, despite their protests. Jade was standing right outside the door, holding keys with a mysterious grin. 

"Come on, guys!" she hissed.  

"Jade?!" yelped Ruby loudly. Doors slammed from outside and footsteps drew nearer. 

Jade's face became stormy. "Shut up and come on if you want to live!" 

Everyone hastened to do just that. Jade took off running just as the doors burst open and the whole place filled with yowling cats. 

"They outnumber us," Ruby said in a small voice.  

"No freaking duh!" yelped Jade, brandishing a gem-made sword with jade the gem coated on the outside and a blade sharp enough to cut diamonds.  

"Whoa, dude, where'd you get that sword?" Ruby asked, staring uncertainly at the long blade.  

"Oh, just think of Onyx and your gem, and then reach into the pack. It's easy."  

It was. Jasper pulled out a wicked javelin with a six-foot-long blade and electricity coated with jasper.  

He suddenly felt something warm and sticky running down his arm and a sharp pain. A cat had just stabbed him with a small but sharp dagger.  

Jasper meant to say something witty and kill the stupid cat, but Opal sliced off its head before he could blink. Dang it.  

Suddenly Jasper heard a sickening crunch and saw Ruby on the ground with a cat standing over her, holding Ruby's own sword to her throat.  

Time seemed to slow down. Jasper sluggishly brought his sword onto the cat's shoulder. If it weren't for the electricity, Jasper and Ruby would've already been dead. Jasper's sword vaporized the cat. 

Finally, after what seemed hours, Jasper whipped around to find no cats in any direction. They had FINALLY defeated all of them. 

"Okay, show your injuries," said Opal, gathering Jasper, Ruby and Jade over.  

"Broken ribs--" began Ruby. 

"OKAY! Jasper," Opal said loudly to cover Ruby's about-to-be cuss. 

"Arm hurts, nothing else," he said. Pretty soon Opal had wrapped it in gauze and turned to Jade. 

"Nothing," Jade said. 

That was a first. The gods had seemed out to get Jade; they hadn't gone on many missions, but on most of them she had been an injury-magnet. 

Opal picked up the First-Aid kit. Jasper realized that he hadn't seen the pack or the kit since now. 

"Where'd you get them?" he asked, nodding toward the packs.  

"I got the pack during a dream," said Jade. "So did I," Opal clarified. "Nut said that I'd need it in the final battles." 

That cleared things up. They had magic teleporting parents, nutty Opal had a goddess named Nut as a mother, Jasper had Horus as a father, Jade had beautiful Isis as a mother, and Ruby... well Ra must've been the god of stubborn, obnoxious, dogmatic children to have Ruby in his line.

{A/N: Hey, do you like? Dogmatic means opinionated, just FYI. Please reward me if you liked it with a lotta votes and comments! Well, I guess that's it! PS should I give you guys info on what I did over the week? Please comment and tell me what you think, and also post what your favorite sentence of the chapter, and if I should include a song of the chapter. Thanks! ridingrl.}

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