Interview With the Cast of JFTG

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Well, please read this interview with my characters of Journey for the Gem! Enjoy.


Jade, Ruby, Jasper, and Opal walk into ridingrl's brother's house which he let her borrow for her interview.

Ridingrl: Go ahead and take a seat, everyone! I'm so honored!

Ruby: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Are these seats trapped? Are you working with Keres?

Ridingrl: of course not! Come on, I'm on a time schedule!

The cast cautiously sits.

Jasper: So. *Winks*. Are you from Tennessee? 'Cause you're the only--

Ridingrl: We're here for the interview, not so you can waste your breath throwing cheesy and overused pick-up lines on me. So, Ruby... why are you laughing?

Ruby: (to Jasper) You got schooled, son! (to ridingrl) Niiiccee, girl.

They high-five while Jasper pouts.

Jade: Hey there! How are you? I like your place.

Ridingrl: it's my brother's house.

Jade: in that case it's messy and I hate it.

Ridingrl: smiles.

Opal: how many books have you read?

Ridingrl: A LOTTT. Tell me, Ruby, do you like Jasper or Onyx in a more-than-friendly way?

Ruby: (Makes hacking cough noise) heck no to Jasper! Yes, offense!

Jasper: (an interesting growling noise comes from his mouth as he glares at Ruby).

Ridingrl: Ha! Well, what about Onyx?

Ruby: *blushes*. Um, well, he's my teacher, so not really...

Ridingrl: Hahaha! Ha! I knew it! Ridingrl rules! I wrote you! You rock! Haha! *Does a strange dance*.

Opal: smiles nicely to ridingrl and then throws a smug look to Ruby.

Ruby: grumbles under her breath, pulling out a ten-dollar bill and handing it to Opal.

Ridingrl: You were betting on me?

Ruby: I was betting on if you were cool or not. Turns out you're not. I thought you'd at least have an ounce of cool since you created me, but I guess not. Jasper's in your lines.

Ridingrl: (Takes a deeeeepppp breath and counts to ten two times, her eyelid twitching and a steely calm expression plastered onto her face. She looks like the Joker that got hit by a car.) Okay, thank you. Now, Jasper, do you like Jade seriously, like to give up *cough* flirting with other girls *cough*?

Jasper: Um, I guess... She's worth it.

Ridingrl: Awwww!!! That's soooo cute, isn't it, Jade?

Jade: Yeah. I guess.

Ridingrl: That's the enthusiasm we need! Now, Opal, please tell me. Do you like anyone?

Opal: You mean Jasper and Onyx, the only erm, "men" here? If so, gross, no, ick, kill me now.

Ridingrl: I'm not so sure about that! What about... heh.... um..... okay I need to write about more men. OOH! What about that man that beat up Ruby and that Jade almost blinded?!

Jade: He deserved it. Wasn't that man like forty? And his name was Professor Bernhard, right?

Opal: GROSS! I'm leaving! Ew, bye! Opal storms out, throwing a "I'll wait for you guys" over her shoulder.

Ridingrl: Soooo..... awkward..... Jasper, can I borrow your bronze knife thing?

Jasper: Um, why?

Ridingrl: To cut the tension in the air, duh!

Jasper: No. Ruby might steal it from you, and I'm afraid of the thought of Ruby holding a knife in the same galaxy as me.

Ridingrl: pouts.

Ruby: (sneers) well then let me have it!

Jasper: no

Ruby: yes

Jasper: no

Ruby and Jasper end up fighting on the ground for the knife, Jade trying uselessly to separate them. Some guards force them out.

Keres, Songbird, and Onyx enter.

Keres: So, this is your place. What a dump.

Ridingrl: It's actually my brother's house.

Keres: In that case it looks lovely, is your brother single?

Ridingrl: No. He's married to a nun. Kidding, but he would never date a witch like you.

Keres: scowls.

Onyx: chuckles a bit.

Ridingrl: So, Onyx, how do you feel about Jade, Opal, and Ruby?

Onyx: they're all very good students, all kind-hearted and smart, and wiling to learn.

Ridingrl: I was hoping I wouldn't have to spell it out for you. Dooo. Yoouu. Liiikke. Ruubbyy.

Onyx: clears his throat. I have to leave now.

Songbird: Do you happen to know the star hit of the show I starred on, greatest of all opera songs?

Ridingrl: No. And I don't plan or want to anytime soon.

Songbird begins to belt out the lyrics to a strange song, using a horrible, ear-drum bursting, spine-tingling scratchy voice, ignoring Keres' and Onyx's pleas to stop.

The crowd is forced out, Songbird still "singing" and a man holding ridingrl back from clawing Songbird's eyes out.

Missy walks in, glancing over her shoulder in puzzlement as the guards tow a still-wailing Songbird away.

Ridingrl: (Looking very frazzled and annoyed) Hello.

Missy: Hi there. You've looked better, I bet!

Ridingrl: glares

Missy: (laughing) Kidding! Gosh!

Ridingrl: so, Missy, tell us: why did you sacrifice yourself to save Jade and how are you here now?

Missy: Jade is just so sweet and it was sort of my fault that she died since I had failed to heal her properly. She didn't deserve to die and had friends that cared a lot about her. To get here I begged Geb to let me see Lady Gaga's concert.

Ridingrl: But... you're not AT Lady Gaga's concert now...

Missy: Oohh! I have to go. Don't want to miss Poker Face or Just Dance!

Missy teleports to her concert with one last wave, leaving ridingrl very confused. After a minute of replaying the conversation, she figures it out. Ridingrl is sooo smart sometimes.

Announcer's voice: Well, that concludes our interview! Thanks so much for reading, please vote and comment, since ridingrl is so awesome and loves to read your comments and see your votes and you love her! (To ridingrl) Okay, I said it. Give me my twenty bucks now.

Ridingrl: (steals the mic) Thanks for reading, people! This chapter is dedicated to--

Announcer: (rips the mic out of ridingrl's hands; it screeches) goodbye, everyone! This chapter is dedicated to--

Ridingrl steals the mic back, and the interview concludes with the announcer and ridingrl wrestling on the floor for the mic, the chapter left undedicated. If you want the next chapter dedicated to you, private message ridingrl saying the code words: "boloney and cheese" and then comment on this interview with ** before and after your message of your thoughts. Thanks for getting Journey for the Gem up to 40+ votes! Please continue to vote like crazy for ridingrl! I used to have like 28 two days a ago, logged on and found out that I had 40+ votes! Thanks so much! And a shout-out to my latest fan, ValeriaSophiaVera! Thanks so much for reading and fanning, girl!

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