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Hi. My name is Kaleb Brennan. I'm 17 years old and I just moved to a place called Dennigon Parks. My mom and I have been living alone ever since I was 4 years old. My father just left, and he didn't just leave my mother and I, he left a furious little boy.
I've never really stayed in one place for long. I'm a "troublemaker." Finding friends is easy for me, most the time they find me. But when I walked into school that morning, something had a weird vibe of... spooky. Nobody seemed natural. I went up to my locker, I started going through everything I had. Just to make sure I had it when I left. When I picked my bag up and opened my locker, some guy yelled,"Hey!" He shot in like a freakin' bullet, running his way past the teachers and other students. Why don't the teachers say something? Nope. He just came to me and said,"Hey, man. You're, uh... Kyle right?" He had long-ish, dark hair, he was what... Asian? He looked pretty human, except his long smile that spooked the heck outta me."So, you're the new guy, huh? I thought you'd be different. Anyway, I'm Dex. But I'm known as," and he said this with one eye larger than the other, "Pathtrooper..."
He took me to room with a green couch, light brown walls, and a big, blocked off window. It was pretty bland.

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