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Dex said that we had only 12 hours on the platform. We left about an hour ahead of time. Dex said to leave early every time so we can get a head start."From what?" Kylie asked. I remember Dex saying something about ,"...something else will do it for you," or somethin' like that. Dex ignored her and kept preparing to leave."From WHAT?" She screeched. He turned slowly and put a finger to his mouth, silencing Kylie. You could hear a roar in the distance. Kylie's eyes opened wide and mine did just the same. Dex started moving,"We gotta go, and quickly." Dex was moving swiftly and silently. Everybody started following hurriedly.

We left about 10 minutes later, everything all packed up and ready to go. Dex led us again, he was always ahead, then dropping down to check on us, getting up even faster than before. I kept looking behind to see everybody else the same as before. 

It felt like hours to climb this time. I saw Kylie behind me, she was being carried by Hex. Again, Dex was much farther than us all. As I moved up closer to him, I heard him mumbling to himself. "This can't be happening... it's coming way too soon. Why this this time? Why now?" His voice sort of faded out as we went. 

"AH, my children!" Amaestrus was still as happy as a duckling."I see you left early, have you?" he asked. I could see rage in Dex's eyes. Now, it seemed like fire was coming out of his dark black hair."What have you done!? That... THING isn't supposed to be here, not yet." Dex shouted. "Oh, yeah... about that. I figured, why not enjoy myself a little? You brats keep surviving, and that leads to, well you know, so technically, waking him up early, saves me!" Amaestrus said. As I was, everyone was confused and looking around, as if Amaestrus were there.

The roar faded away with the sound of our tired feet touching the hard platform. We'd finally came to the next "rest stop." Dex had warned us that we can't stay long this time, and what really sucks, is that we only get 5 hours of sleep. I'm guessing Kylie's a lovely person when it comes to waking up early.

When I woke up, I looked around to see everyone else but Dex in their beds. I walked out of the area and went to find where Dex had went. Then, since I didn't see him, I went to check on Shana. She was still lying with her hair spread across her pillow. God, she was beautiful. I sat on the edge of her bed, wondering what it would be like to stroke her hair, or to feel the touch of my lips on hers... no, I can't be doing this. There is a monster out there and I'm fantasizing about women. Ugh. "... I need water..." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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