Baby Steps

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When we first went through the door, all I saw was darkness. Though, lights soon filled the area, slowly but surely. We stood on a floating platform, attached to a long pathway. Dex came through the door and said,"This place... is a nightmare." His expression hardened. We saw his eyebrows lower as it got silent. Then, a loud booming voice broke the silence."CHILDREN!" he hollered. Winston nearly fell in shock, his sister caught him by the hand. I started laughing and he scowled at me like he was gonna punch me. I turned and Hex seemed to chuckle at Winston, too."Hmm... one of you, is familiar. I know! DEXTON! I remember you, my child." the voice exclaimed."Dexton..?" I asked quietly. Dex ignored me and replied to the voice,"Amaestrus, long time, never seen." We all we're confused as to what was happening, all but Hex. Has he been here before, too? Man, I'm regretting going through that door, now. Hex saw I was looking at him and he raised his eyebrows at me. I looked away, I wasn't messin' around with him."Well, it's been a while..." Amaestrus paused, then yelled,"HEX! I'd recognize you anywhere. And you still have yet to cut your vile hairstyle." We heard the disgust in his voice. Hex touched his hair insecurely. Kylie giggled at him and he smiled. Huh? Whatever. Anyway, Amaestrus's voice then moved farther as he beckoned us to follow. He led us to a huge set of stairs,"You expect us to climb that!?!" Kylie complained. I was starting to lose interest in her attitude, but her body still intrigued me."Why of COURSE! That's the only way you'll survive!" he laughed maniaclly. Kylie screamed, unhappy,"You're kidding!!!" Hex walked over to her to comfort and tried to wrap his arms around her, but she shoved him off. Yep, there is definitely something going on there.

"Well my mostly new children. Good luck dying!"

StaircaseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora