Watch Your Step!

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Dex yanked me off the bleachers while pulling his bright red hood down over his head."Wha-Hey!" I yanked my arm away and punched his arm."Ow... Ugh! You don't get it do ya?" I didn't understand him,"Get what?" I said to him. He pulled me closer by my shirt."We're the people the principle was talking about." He pushed me off."We're them!?!" I said, surprised. Dex covered my mouth and hushed me."Say that a little louder, I don't think Japan heard you! Yes we're them. But there's others... c'mon." Dex started walking fast down the halls. I followed him to the room we were at first, today. We got inside so fast that I felt a bit dizzy. There were four other people in the room, looking at me as if I was... one of them. One was a beautiful blonde who wore a fuzzy blue sweater. She had her hair up in a pony tail. Another was a black man, his hair styled in an afro. He sat on the green, or used to be green couch. There we're two others, twins maybe? One girl, one boy, both with dark hair. Dex introduced me to all of them,"This is Kylie Jameston, also known as Grapevine." Kylie stopped him by saying,"I told you, that name isn't going to happen!" Dex seemed fine with her anger and just moved on."This is Hector, or Hex if you will, my friend." Hex is my favorite so far, he seems chill enough. He was wearing a chopped, black tanktop with a chained necklace thing."Yo," and that's pretty much all Hex said the whole time I was there.The boy twin chimed in,"Who's this, Dex?" in a real ticked tone. Dex went to speak,"Winston, this is-" but I cut him off,"I'm Kaleb." I rolled my sleeves up and slightly glared at him."Well, Kaiden, you better follow our rules, or else." No way is he gettin' away that crap."Watch it, Princess Prissy Pants, it's Kaleb." He was just about to snap back when,"Hey! They'll be out soon, so shut up and listen to Dex!"

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