As the Steps get Bigger

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I watched her sway as she left. She was so beautiful, it was like being starstruck by your biggest crush.

I went to get up and someone shoved me roughly back down onto the bed. I turned and swung my arm. I felt the the soreness on my knuckles, I shook my hand and turned. Winston rubbed his cheek in pain, when he took his hand away, I saw a large mark of red. He must've came over because of Shana and I. I stood up, I didn't even look back at him, and I walked over to Dex. He was over by a large machine with the word "Tenzing." He was fiddling with wires and cables that were underneath. I went to ask him a few questions about this whole... thing."Hey, Dex. Can I ask ya something?" He came out with dark hands and a rough cut."Whoa, Dex. What happened, man?" He looked confused."What? Whatta ya mean?" I pointed to his hand, when he looked down, he looked angry, but not at me, at himself."God-" he growled."What's wrong? It isn't too bad." I lied to him. He came back with,"Look, I know it's bad, but just... don't say nothin', okay? I need to be a leader. Got it?" Dex was acting different, I didn't much like it."Uh, sure... I guess." I answered."So, how about that question?" I started by talking about the cylinder."Well, I've never really worried about it too much 'cause Amaestrus said that it was dangerous. But, one thing I found out was that if you went inside, Amaestrus wouldn't be able to talk to you or even see you anymore." he said. A world without Amaestrus, sounds familiar.

StaircaseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora