Stepping Stones

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"This! This PLACE! Is brilliant, my children!" Amaestrus claimed. Dex was lookin' around, possibly to see if anything was different. I was still playing around with the cylinder in the center of the dome. Amaestrus saw me and said,"Boy! Stop that! It's fragile!" I didn't realize he was talking to me, so I kept messing with the buttons. The next button I touched shocked my hand."That's what you get boy, now next time, LISTEN!" Now I knew he was talking to me. My hand was struck in pain, it only got stronger. My hand was motionless, it started creeping up my arm. I fell to the ground, I could hear Amaestrus laughing at me. I cussed at the pain and at Amaestrus. Dex realized me on the ground,"Kaleb!" He ran and then slid on his knees next to me."Don't worry, I got this... I got this." he assured himself. Then, something odd happened. I saw Dex pull 2 fingers up, put them together, and touch my forehead. It was a stimulating pain that I couldn't undergo any longer, I blacked out. I heard a collision of voices,
"Dex, what happened!?!"
"Kaleb! Can you hear me?"
"Serves him right." That's gotta be Winston. Then I heard a body hit the ground after a loud grunt of pain. Everything fell silent.
I laid on the ground, as if I was dead.

I woke up to see Shana by my side, held a cloth to my head. I turned myself and saw Winston with an ice pack to his eye. Hex and Dex were talking by the cylinder. " stings." I said. She noticed I was awake, she took the cloth off and rubbed my head.
"How do ya feel?"
I looked at her thankfully, she smiled. Then she got nervous and turned her head."Uh... I should... talk to Dex. I'll see you." She left me lying there.

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