Along we go

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After climbing a while, Dex exclaims,"C'mon! We're almost there!" Where? I moved faster than I ever have in my life."We're done!?! OMG! OMG! I can't wait to leave!" Kylie said. She paused next to Hex, turned and hugged him. Hex hugged her back intently. I'm glad Hex can put up with her, 'cause I'm just about done listening to the whole attitude thing. I've been ignorin' her this whole time."Hey Hasslehauf!" Winston yelled. I kept on climbing."Hey Rocky! Listen!" he kept yelling at me. I wasn't paying any attention to him. I was looking forward to reaching wherever it was we were goin'. I heard him trip, I turned to check on him."Whatta ya want, Princess?" I called to him. He yelled at me for droppin' garbage outta my pocket. I had Slim-Jim wrappers and lint, so I got rid of it in a place without pollution. Apparently one landed on his poor shirt."I'm up! C'mon!" Dex was yelling excitedly. Shana was just above my head, (only 'cause I stopped to talk to Winston), and I saw her climb up. I'd just made it 10 seconds later. I saw a large, round building. There were benches outside, and the ground was like ash. Dex was yellin' to us,"Look, it's the Station, c'mon!" He was encouraging us to keep up. Dex took off for the building, so Shana, Winston, and I did too.

When we got inside, a huge cylinder in the center if the room interested me. I went over while everybody was chatting. Just as I was gonna go inside,"Thank God. I was going to die!" Kylie came in and cried out. Hex held her tighter. That's pathetic."OH! BUT THAT'S THE POINT!" Amaestrus came back."Well done, children! I expected you here soon." he said."Don't be ridiculous, you know exactly when we'll show up." Dex claimed. Amaestrus must've been watching us the whole time.

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