Question 100

82 18 3


Okay, so if you haven't already noticed, I have been going by 5's after... What was it... Question 12?... Anywho, I've been going by 5's, because I wanted you to get the feeling of time travel. You are now in the year 2115. Look around you? What do you see? Is anything different?


Okay, so the 100th Question goes to... @nightvisions4
"How do you feel about River Song coming back?"

Well, I absolutely love River! She is a Time Lady and she loves my Doctor, as do I! And since my Doctor loves her, I do too! Also... she knows how to calm me down if I get upset and she doesnt leave my breaks on... I know the Doctor loves that sound, so do I, but the breaks actually hurt my cords.... its like when you press the breaks on your car really hard and they start to squeel really loudly and it hurts your ears... same principal...

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