Favorite Things

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I was tagged by some people to do this, so I am going to give it a try! XD

1: Favorite song-
Wow... there are a lot of songs, but... Im going to have to go with "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley

2: Favorite sport-

3: Favorite band-
Doctorin' the Tardis... Yes, that is a real band. ;)

4: Favorite show-
If I said something other than Doctor Who would you believe me?

5: Favorite movie-
The Lion King.

6: Favorite color-
Tardis Blue! Duh! XD

7: Favorite food-
Bananas! XD

8: Favorite drink-
BANANA OIL!!! Its oil that is Banana flavored! The Doctor made it specially for me!
(Seriously guys, there is Banana Soda... XD)

9: Favorite Video Game-
The Adventure Games- The Tardis Data Core

10: Tag 10 people-

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