Chapter 3

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It's the 17th of November now meaning it's my birthday next week, not that I was looking forward to it. I just couldn't stop thinking about Freddie. It was getting so bad that the headmaster of my school had to talk to John and my mother. Of course, people kept asking John questions about Freddie and he had to push them aside, deny any possible fact that he was ill to keep him safe from horrible publicity.

I was walking through the woods which was close to my house. Autumn was almost over so, the trees were pretty bare. One leaf did fall from one tree however and landed on the palm of my hand. Mum always told me when I was younger that it was lucky to catch a falling leaf. But right now, I don't believe anything. I don't want to believe anything.

I eventually walked through the house door. I walked into the dining room to see John, Brian and Roger sitting at the table, having a discussion.

"Hey kiddo!" John exclaimed as I walked in. "Good day at school?"

I nodded as I went to the fridge to get some orange juice. John got up and picked up a box that was sitting inside the fridge.

"Got you something I'd think you would like to have with that juice." He opened the box to see a cupcake with a daisy on the top. I picked it out from the box.

"Ooh! John, why didn't you get us cake?" Roger exclaimed as he raised his eyebrows at me, making a funny face.

"You're so lucky, Katie Kat." Brian winked at me.

I looked up at John. "Thank you." I simply said and walked through to the living room, not wanting to disturb them again.

As I sat on the seat, I saw an large envelope with my name on it sitting on the coffee table. I picked it up and started opening it, wondering what it was. It was a painting of a colourful butterfly, with loads of bright, dazzling patterns on its wings. There were musical notes written underneath in an artistic style. At the bottom, there was a recognisable signature in bold black. Freddie Mercury.

I looked down at the floor to see a note had slipped from the envelope. I read it.

My dearest Katie Kat,

As you know, I don't have very long on this planet left but I don't want you to feel sad about this at any point. I want you to be inspired. Achieve your dreams, live a long and happy life filled with incredible opportunities. You're a beautiful young lady inside and out, you deserve the very best in life. I completed this painting not long after I first met you. I knew it would be the perfect present for your 13th birthday. I promise, I will be there, I will be the first person to wish you the most magical birthday.

Uncle Freddie. xxx

I stared at the note and at the painting. Suddenly a Queen song came into my head. Spread Your Wings. Of course.

"What you got there, Katherine?" Mum came over to sit beside me and looked at the painting. "Oh that is stunning! Who did this?"

I gave her the note. She read it and I could see a single tear fall down her face. She held me close for a few moments before Felix and Pheobe walked through to the living room.

"Everything ok?" Phoebe asked, looking kinda worried.

"Of course, honey!" Mum quickly wiped away the tears and walked through to the dining room, leaving me on the couch.

"What is that?" Pheobe asked. She smiled when she looked at the picture. She passed it over to Felix who also smiled.

"He's still got it, as Dad says." Felix stated. "So how was school?" he asked me.

"Bad. I had to have one of those talks with the headmaster today." I sighed.

"One of those, 'Why are you not concentrating? You're usually such a dedicated pupil. Get your act together!' Kind of talks?" Phoebe questioned and I nodded. "Well, I've been getting them by the bucket load recently."

"Well I get talks everyday but that's because I'm just a bad student." Felix added and we both laughed.

"That's not true!" I exclaimed.

"It is! Either that or the headmaster doesn't like me."

"Yeah, it's probably that." Phoebe joked but soon regretted it as Felix grabbed a pillow and hit her on the face with it.

We all laughed so much, our sides were getting sore.

"Well you guys seem to be having a good time." Roger came over with Brian and sat with us.

"What's the joke this time?" Brian asked.

"We're just talking about me and how everyone loves me!" Felix boasted which made both Phoebe and I giggle.

"Well, you're definitely your father's son." Brian replied and we can hear everyone laugh from around the house. "Sorry to break up the party but Phoebe, it's time to go. Got homework to do, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah Dad." Phoebe moaned as she got up.

"You too, kid." Roger pointed at Felix. "At least you have the positivity and the ego to do it."

Felix pulled a silly face when his dad turned his back around which made me laugh quietly.

"See you around, Katie." He gave me a quick hug, which was a bit of a shock. I got butterflies in my stomach for a little second.

"And there's something else he gets from his dad." Mum said. "He's a big flirt!"

"Like you would know. Oh wait..." Roger dodged as John nearly hit him with his arm. Everybody was still laughing. "Hey, hey! Deaky, I was only kidding! Right, see you all later."

"Bye!" Everyone said to each other as Brian, Roger, Phoebe and Felix all went out the front door.

"Finally, peace. Is it any wonder I've been in a band with them for 20 odd years?" John sighed as mum went to embrace him.

"Well, you still look great to me." I turned my head around as I knew they were kissing behind me. Privacy was still something I needed to earn in my life.

"You're so sweet!" John beamed as he gave mum a quick kiss. They both came over to sit on the couch with me. "So Katie Kat, any idea what you want for your birthday?"

"Nothing." I said.

"You got to have something, sweetheart!"Mum exclaimed. "It's your 13th, it's a special birthday for you."

I stared down at the painting Freddie gave me. "I already have something special."

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