Chapter 4

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It's now the 23rd. My last day as a 12 year old. Things had taken a turn for the worst. Since Bonfire Night, I had only seen Freddie once more. It was to thank him for the beautiful painting. I can't even bring to words how much pain we both felt as he embraced me. It was almost as if he was saying goodbye. He promised me he would be there for my birthday, it just didn't make any sense. My mum soon took me home afterwards as I was in floods of tears, which didn't help matters much. I laid on my bed and cried the whole night through. I didn't want to say goodbye. I can't say goodbye. I'm not ready.

I was still lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering if the stars were ready to take Freddie as their own. They were going to take my best friend, my inspiration away from me and it wasn't fair. I sighed and eventually got out of bed, put on my dressing gown and headed downstairs.

There was no-one in the living room, so I decided to put on the television. The news was on so I left it on there for John to watch. He liked watching the news for some bizarre reason. As soon as I turned on the tv, the man himself walked through.

"Good morning, Kate. Had a good sleep?" He asked.

"Yeah, it was ok." I replied but I didn't sound too convincing.

"Yeah, me neither." John said, seeing the look on my face. He went through to the kitchen to get his breakfast.

Suddenly the news reporter announced a story which made me jump.

"The lead singer from popular rock group, Queen, Freddie Mercury, had just released a statement to the press confirming that he has the deadly virus known as AIDS. Queen have had many popular hit songs around the world with Bohemian Rhapsody and We Are The Champions. The lead singer who is 45, has issued this statement saying:

'Following the enormous conjecture in the press over the last two weeks, I wish to confirm that I have been tested HIV positive and have AIDS. I felt it correct to keep this information private to date to protect the privacy of those around me. However, the time has come now for my friends and fans around the world to know the truth and I hope that everyone will join with me, my doctors, and all those worldwide in the fight against this terrible disease. My privacy has always been very special to me and I am famous for my lack of interviews. Please understand this policy will continue.'

This statement has come after much speculation that the singer had the deadly virus. He currently resides in his home in Kensington and has stayed inside for the past 6 months. More on this story as it develops."

During the statement, John stood beside me holding his bowl of cereal, shocked.

"Wow, I didn't think he would actually do it. He's been so private all his life. He's saying goodbye to his fans now." John's voice started to shake as it got all emotional. I heard him run through to the bathroom.

Mum ran through to the living room, looking worried. "Where's your step-dad? What's wrong?"

The news reporter answered the question for me.

Still to come... The statement that finally confirms that Freddie Mercury has AIDS.

"What? I don't believe it..." Mum ran over to the bathroom to check on John. I could hear her talking and John crying in the background. "It's ok, John. It's going to be ok."

I just froze. Freddie is so brave, I was so proud of him for what he did. But it had confirmed that the end was in sight.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!" Everybody cheered as I saw a birthday cake with my name on it with the candles lit. 

Brian and Roger came over to visit with their wives and children to celebrate my birthday although the last thing I wanted to do was to think about me and celebrate.

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