Chapter 5

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Jason woke up lying on a hospital bed. He felt tired, sick and weak. He felt old for feeling different aches and pains all throughout his body. A doctor and a nurse suddenly arrived.

"You're awake now Sir. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"I don't feel good. How long have I been sleeping? How's my mom?" Jason asked.

"We can discuss about your mom later, after I check your vital signs. You have been sleeping for three days now. We also diagnosed you and we found...some complications, but we are yet to make further diagnosis and tests. We'll let you know as soon as you're feeling much better."

"Don't mind me, just tell me everything, now!" Jason demanded.

"Alright, just be calm, we're here to help you. All the doctors here were all surprised with the initial diagnosis. I don't want to surprise you but it seems that you are an old man trapped in a young boy's body. We found different illnesses that are mostly associated with old age; from common ones to complicat...” The doctor was not able to finish what he was about to further say as Jason interrupted him.

"I don't care about what's happening to me. I want to know how my mom is. WHERE and HOW IS SHE?" He further demanded. He liked to go out of bed but he's too weak.

"Please stay there and rest. You're still too weak." The nurse said as she tried to stop him from moving recklessly.

"We don't want to inform you yet about your mom as you're weak as well. But if you insist, we’re really sorry to say this, but your mom didn't make it, she's dead on arrival."

"What? This can't be! NO!" Jason shouted.

"Please calm down. It seems you don't know what your mom is going through for a couple of months now. She's been diagnosed with leukemia, a very strong and rare one. We..." the doctor was interrupted again by Jason.

"No, no...NO, this can't be happening. Please leave me alone, please." Jason tried his best to calm down. This was the hardest news to accept he has ever heard.

"I understand what you're going through but please don't do anything reckless. If you need anything just use that nurse call button."

Jason did not know what to think anymore. He hated himself for everything, especially for not knowing what her mom was going through. Of course he did not know, he doesn’t talk to he rmuch. His mom didn't know what's happening to him either, as he always refused to talk with her.

He no longer have his mom, his girlfriend, his best friend...he already have nothing. He now thought of everything that happened, he realized that everything was his fault. He cried helplessly. He didn't know if he can still forgive himself, but he silently asked for forgiveness, to his mom, to his girlfriend, to his best friend, even to Bob, to everyone, but he knew that it was already too late.

He looked sideways on the bed side table, there's not even a single flower on the vase, he felt so alone. And then there, just beside the empty vase, the hourglass and the little black booklet. He grabbed the hourglass; he stared at it as he thought of how many times he had use it. He estimated and probably will make him not less than eighty years old. For one last time, he tipped it upside down.


A/N: as promised, last two chapters were posted. The next will be the last chapter. Thanks once again for reading the story.

Chapter dedicated to alicat105. Thanks for the vote and the comment. It means a lot! Thanks! :)

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