Chapter 11

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I wake up in the middle of the night with a horrible feeling in my stomach,something is happening to me.I sit up and shout into the night,before puking all over my bed. "Nurses get in here now!" The Doctor comes running in, They check my pulse and heart "The babies  are coming!" The doctor screams,running to get his medical kit. "The babies!?" I scream over the noise of the machines, "Twins sara!" I feel faint and I drift into darkness.

Beep beep beep I  wake up,my stomach is normal sized but it has a scar across my stomach,the room is quit. "Hello?" I choke,The doctor comes in holding a small baby and then my mum comes in holding another,I realise that none of them are Oscar. " Look Sara,these are your kids.." I stare at there baby faces,they're crying. "You have 2 boys,Sara!" I give a sigh of relief,thank god I dont need to teach them about periods. My mum hands me the smallest baby,I stare at it for a bit,in a dazed dream "Its really cute" I remark,my mum smiles "They would be good companions for Oscar". 

Once im dressed and ready to go,I thank the doctor and hold the smallest baby Aiden,in my lap. My mum is holding Archie and the taxi driver takes us home. We walk into the house,and Michael is playing with Oscar and Toto,he gets up to greet us,he gives me a huge hug,carefully trying not to squeeze the baby and puts his arm around my mum "So you have boys?" He says smiling, I realise that Michael is not one of those step dads that are mean he is one of the step dads that treats me like his own " Yes,Archie and Aiden" He looks down at his step grandsons and tickles them. "Your mum and I will look after the babies,you go get some rest okay?" Michael tells me. I walk to my room,its just like before the bed is unmade and the draws are pulled,my phone vibrates in my pocket.

Sam: Hi Sara, I know your due soon..Can we at least talk?

Me: No thanks,but thanks for texting

I quickly switch to my bæs chat, there are over 1000 messages,I read through them all,there all thinking I've been murdered or an alien has taken me. 

Me: Hey guys im back!

All of a sudden everyone is typing.

Savannah: Where have you been!?

I stop for a moment,do I really want to tell my friends..

Sara: I decided to take a break from school.

Kylie: Seriously? But Sam said you were in the hospital for something,but idk what.

Sara: You should of learnt not to listen to dick heads ages ago Kylie.

Star: Whats wrong!?

Sara: Everything

I close off my phone as my phone vibrates,I just throw it into my closet,and reach for a magazine,a few moments after I start to feel sleepy and lay down and shut my eyes.

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