Complaint #6

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Everyone is high as a kite.

Yup everyone is high, nobody knows what's happening most of the time so with that being said very bad things ends up happening to our character. For one her soon to be ex boyfriend sells drugs/does them. So they go out one night and this just so "happens" to be the night that eminem and proof go out to the club and some how Kim is conveniently not there. So our character goes to the club with her soon to be ex and they're dancing then all of a sudden he goes to the rest room and disapears for the rest of the story. And nobody knows what happened. For all we know he fell in the toilet while puking up his left lung but ehhh who cares! Now our girl is single and lonely so she heads to the bar for a drink and BOOM. Guess who sits next to her? Yup Marshall. They get to talking cause they all drugged up and drunk then all of a sudden they makin out in the bathroom. (But of course not the one Mr. I got lost in the bathroom is in.)They eventually stop and leave to go home cause why be high and drunk at a club while you can be high and drunk in your house? Or well in her case her old beat down lemon (car) that she's finally able to afford after working late nights at Mc Donalds and Sweeping floors in 7-eleven. SOO this is the part where problems occur because Gosh Darn-it our main character seems to have left her wallet to which Marshall brings back to her the next morning.

But of course she don't remember that night so she just takes the wallet and shuts him out for about a week until her girlfriend calls her up again and says there's a rap battle going on out the shelter. Which of course Mr. Mathers is and well you get the point..

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