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Karkat/Hematite sighed as he walked to school. He ran down the sidewalk only to bump into you by accident. "OW WATCH-" you noticed it was only hepatitis then blushed. "Oh, hey hematite." Karkat/hematite blushed slightly and waved "HEY FUCKASS, SORRY FOR BUMPING INTO YOU." "Whatever" you were feeling hostile since you were sleepy. Then, you picked up your books and papers, walking into the school with a serious expression

Karkat/hematite was slightly confused. He shrugged and trudged into the hell spawn called school. You had walked into your first class, gemology. This class was all about where gems originated. This was your favorite class with your favorite teacher, Ms. Amethyst.


Karkat/hematite groggily went to lunch and got his tray, sitting at an empty table today instead of with his 'friends' like normal. You, having only one friend, sat at hematites table with him and Topaz. Topaz silently ate, occasionally adding in to your conversation with hematite. "And that's why Ms. Pearl is stupid. " you finished, laughing at the end along with a chuckle from Topaz and a little laugh from Hematite.

Karkat/hematite would've smiled if he wasn't slightly jealous of Topaz seeing as you and him where great friends. Karkat/hematite would barely say anything around him besides something a little rude to his direction. But other than that Karkat/hematite kept silent and just listened and laughed. He would sometimes go into thoughts while staring at you. That time was now and he was in a dreamy looking state as his stare was on your face.

"Umm....hematite?" You waved your hand in front of his face, trying to snap him out of his trance. He seemed to be staring at you, but glaring at Topaz. You wondered why. Maybe he was jealous? Nah. Karkat/hematite quickly snapped out of it and grunted a small 'yes' in reply. One of his friends at the other table would snicker at points and whisper to the others but Karkat/hematite didn't really seem to care. He would focus on you and that's that. He straightened up slightly

"You okay? You seem kind of...worried" you asked in concern. He didn't seem to be himself. You looked where he was looking seeing people snickering and pointing at you two. This enraged you. Rumors. Ugh. Karkat/hematite quickly knew your change of mood and quickly thought of something to say. "HEY (G/N) WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO TO THE FIELD TODAY?" He said to get you distracted from them.

You kind of sighed and agreed. After you finished your lunch, the bell had rung, signaling for you to go to class. Flourite (Vriska) had punched you into a locker "Awww how cute, dating a servant gem? Hahaha!!!!!!!!" You cowered, trying not to stutter or cry "i-im not dating him!" All she did was flip her hair then punch you "he doesn't deserve you." Then she walked away..

Karkat/hematite had saw the whole thing and he ran over to you quickly. He had worry stretched across his face as he asked if you were ok, after getting you back ok your feet that was. You nodded and held your stomach where she punched you. "Happens all...The time" you spoke, kind of out of breath from the hit. You walked back to class, with Hematites help.

Karkat/hematite had instantly felt the need to protect you so he did just that. After his class he ran quickly to your classroom and waited for you to get out. He tapped his foot quickly. "Hey hematite....how come you're here? Aren't you supposed to be in you're next class?" You asked, confused as to why he was waiting for you. You admit, it was a nice gesture since he saw you get beaten up by Flourite.

Karkat/hematite nodded a no. "MY CLASS GOT OUT EARLY. I JUST WANTED TO WALK YOU TO YOUR HI- I MEAN HOME." You smiled at him, but soon frowned. You lived in a really far place from here. You usually took the bus or walked home from Rocky Hill. "Lets take the bus" you didn't want to tell him where you live, since you're really shy about that kind of stuff.

Gemstuck! Karkat X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now