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It was a school day, Monday at that at Karkat was sleeping in. He was 12 minutes after 6:00 and his brother came in and did multiple lectures about being ready on time. Karkat decided to ignore him and push him out. It was now 6:23 and Karkat finally decided to get dressed like normal, grab Crab Dad, grab his bag, grab his breakfast, then walk out slowly. Oh how he hated school.

You were sitting in the cafeteria, waiting on Hematite like normal. Suddenly, a note was passed over to you by topaz. The note read:

Hey...I know we broke up...but I've been thinking...wanna get back together?.

You blushed at the thought, but then again you liked Hematite, too. Oh Hell.

Karkat, or rather known as Hematite, had walked into the cafeteria. He had seen the note being passed and got curious. He had walked to you, almost soundless, and looked over your shoulder and seemed to get pissed as he read it. He was glad he got to be close to the school. Annoyance was spread across his face.

You felt someone watching you, so you turned around. You jumped at the sight of Karkat being there. "H-hey..," you stuttered. You felt really bad. "D-did you s-see?" you prayed to God he didn't. PRAYED TO FUCKING GOD.

His hand slowly went to his gem as Karkat glared down Topaz. You could feel the jealousy radiate off of him. Topaz looked over at hematite, glaring at him through his shades. Topaz also reached for his gem, trying to get his weapon secretly. He didn't want to fight In front of you.

Tension was pretty much raining off of Topaz. Lucky for him Crab Dad had clamped to his gem again. His hand shot to his gem and his sickles formed. He sliced at Topaz. This KID was stealing his girl!

Topaz jumped back just in time. You noticed as you looked up from your phone. "What the fuck are you guys doing?" You asked, making an angry face. These two WERE NOT GOING TO FIGHT OVER YOU LIKE STUPID CHILDREN. NUH-UH. you glared at them, each of them looking back sheepishly, but secretly glaring at each other. They knew they were gonna fight later on in the day.

Karkat had shifted from foot to foot before he let his sickles go away. Crab Dad pinched his nose and he whined. He sat beside you with a crab hanging from his nose, where the crab was clamped it was getting a darker color.

You giggled, that being kind of cute. You decided to get crab dad off of his nose and pet him. You looked at hematite, then at topaz; and decided to hold their hands. "Please don't fight. It's my choice who I want to be with" you said with your eyes closed, avoiding eye contact

Karkat/Hematite glared at Topaz before looking at you. "Who do you want to be with...?" You looked down, kind of sad. "I...don't know. It's...a difficult decision. " The truth is, you were in love with both of them. You don't know why. You should've gotten over topaz by now...

Karkat/hematite remembered some lectures from his brother. The ONE time he comes in handy is now!? How in the world!? Karkat/hematite grunted softly. "We could switch off every other season...." Karkat/hematite didn't like the idea but it would help you decide.

You sat and thought for a moment, and just as you opened your mouth, the bell rang. Perfect timing. You rushed off to class, trying to avoid the topic of this.

--Timeskip To The end of school--
--Hematites POV--

I'm gonna fucking kill that bastard. He is trying to take MY matesprit. They are all mine. Well...they haven't decided yet...so..WHATEVER I HATE TOPAZ AND THATS THE END OF THE DAMN STORY.

--CG Started pestering TT--

--Topazs POV--
I would have rather leave the fight be but... He is trying to steal (G/N) away from me! They're mine! I asked them out first. I think I will like this fight.

TT: Be there!

I ended the chat before anything else.

--back to normal pov (for now)--

It was now five o'clock and hematite was impatiently tapping his foot, weapons ready. His brother had seen him and started rambling on. He didn't care anymore. As long as he would win over (G/N).




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