Revealences. (Rivalries Pt²)

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It was five o'clock and hematite was impatiently tapping his foot, weapons ready. His brother had Seen him and started rambling on. He didn't care anymore. As long as he would win over (G/N).

Topaz had came one minute after five o'clock. He glared at Hematite. Hematite glared back, watching his movements. "YOU'RE LATE." he said, a smug look on his face as he pulled out his sickles.

Topaz pulled out his Katanas. "Barely." Topaz watches his movements too. He rolled his eyes and got in a fighting position, watching topaz as carefully as he could. Hematite would not lose this fight.

Topaz got in his fighting stance. He would not do the first hit. Hematite circle him, waiting for his move. He didn't quite want to be the first either, but saw that he wasn't going to make the first move; SO he swung at Topaz' arm, making a deep gash.

Topaz slashed down at his chest from the left side, ripping into the clothing and making a long gash. It wasnt deep though but it would most likely leave a scar. He yelped, clutching his wound. Soon he swung back again, making another slash in Topaz' stomach and leg. "IM.... NOT LOSING" He said, breathless from being hurt badly.

Topaz didn't flinch but it did hurt. He cut down from the right on his chest making an 'X' shaped gash. He stumbled backward, getting shaky. He was panting heavily, but got up and kicked Topaz where he cut him.

Topaz slightly stumbled back and grunted in pain. He then cut down at his head angrily. Hematite had dodged in time, sensing the attack. He soon stood, his hair in his face, panting. "I.. WIN.." he said, raising his arms up.

Topaz started to go to stab his shoulders. He glared at him. Karkat rolled out if the way before he could stab him, crabdad calling you on your holo-device. As he rolled, Topaz kicked him hard. He glared at him.

He groaned in pain, holding his stomach. Fortunately, you had got there in time and picked up hematite. "What is wrong with you two?!" You shouted at them, crying. You knew Topaz liked you, but hematite? Wow. "You co uld've killed yourselves!!" You yelled again. You started to assess Karkats wounds, angry at Topaz, but he didn't seem as hurt as Hematite. "Are you okay?" You asked

Topaz looked down in shame. He put away his Katanas and slightly frowned. Topaz then tended to his own wounds. He wouldn't admit it but he was jealous. You looked over at Topaz. He was so jealous.

Topaz looked away from you two. He thought he might have ruined yalls friendship. He didn't want to ruin that. "Dumb kid take my lover...." he mumbles. You looked up and heard him, walking to him. "I'm no one's lover" you said sassily.

Topaz looked up and looked embarrassed "Ok.... (G/N)" he says. For once he was embarrassed. At least he didn't show it. You patted his head and smiled, walking back over to hematite. "You know, that was stupid of you." You said, annoyed.

Hematite looked away "Im sorry (G/N)...." He seemed embarrassed too. He should have not done that out of jealousy and anger. You showed a look of sympathy towards him, and kissed his forehead. "Just don't go fighting anyone else, can't lose my boys." You said whole-heartedly and smiled.

Hematite and Topaz glared at each other before agreeing to you. Hematite was the first to speak "Ok (G/N)". Topaz glared at him before speaking to you "Ill be leaving.... I need to get back to my brother." He gets up and leaves, not before shooting a glare at Hematite.

You hugged hematite. God, this boy was reckless. "We should get you to a hospital." You said, worry spread across y poo ur face as you picked him up carefully. Hematite put his face down. His voice was low again. "I really am sorry..." He limps as he starts to walk.

"No, we need to get you to the hospital, it looks awful" you picked him up again, walking, and putting him into your car. You had rushed as quick as you could, without breaking the law. "Why" you asked, tears pricking at your eyes.

Hematite didn't want to answer. He looked out the window. You gripped the steering wheel tighter, a tear falling on your hand. "Why." You asked again, using more force as you pulled up to the hospital.


Another cliffhanger. It's not that I'm out of ideas, I just like to leave you guys hanging. I and the co-author are truly evil. Part three should be here by Friday! Till next Time!

~Author-chan 1 & 2

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