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|Fall 1953 (In a different world)|

The fire roared like thunder, above the devastating clouds of black smoke, the night sky brightened with a wash of angry scarlet. The flames tossed and crashed like the pacific waves rolling over the brown brick mansion. Carrying out every window, gracing the walls and over the roof until the house was nothing more than the dark core of a raging fireball.

Staring at the fire in horror from the low hill that overlooked the wide lawn, Logan Sawyer ran to the mansion and hoped his dear family was okay.

I heard the screams of my mom, dad and oh no! Not my only sister Gwen!

"Gwen!" I shouted hoping she could hear me through the roaring flames. I pushed past the fire like it was a silk blanket even though it hurt like hell.

"Gwen, I'm here! I'm alive! I ran and escaped the fire!" I shouted moving by the windows.

By each window the fire spreaded. I was most terrified that this was to be the end.

The flames roared louder, as if to answer her.

My entire body trembled in dread, afraid I would never see her again.

Someone was coming up behind me, their footsteps cracked and tumbled as they ran. I turned around and got the relief of my life. She was standing there. Her face had black debris's all around it, showing it was a struggle getting out of the house.

"Gwen!" I yelled and flung my arms around her.

"What about mom and dad?" She asked pulling away from me.

Her sandy brown hair blew in the wind and I caressed her cheek.

I knew there was no hope for our parents, I think we both knew it she was just too broken to admit it.

"They're gone Logan!" She yelled and turned back to the fire, the flames reflecting in her eyes. I saw the pain below in the flames as I looked also. This was not the life I planned for her; for any of us.

I could feel the heat of the fire on my face. I knew it was time to get away from the house and run, but I stood still. I heard the fire crackle and roar off the blinding red-orange blaze.

"We have to go now!" Gwen yelled tugging at my shirt. I stood there motionless. She pulled me away before the house bursted into a big explosion, sending us to the ground thirty inches away. I tumbled down a hill, hitting branches and small rocks. I winced as I came to a stop. I rose up hesitantly... Looking around. I couldn't see Gwen anywhere along the short grasslands. I whipped my head around at every corner trying to find my beloved sister. I rose up feeling the burning sensation upon my ankle, I limped on my foot walking to god knows where. I heard tumbling in the far back behind me, I turned around quickly as the sticks of grass moved. I didn't see anyone at first but she spoke.

"Gwen!" I shouted, hoping she could hear me.

She appears suddenly racing towards me.

"Are you okay?" Gwen choking trying to get out her words.

"I'm fine..." I told her even though I wasn't. In the inside I was screaming.

"Let's go..." she demanded softly grabbing my arm, helping me walk.

"We gotta get you checked out..." she suggested stopping me.

"I know, but lets keep moving..." I replied

We stopped at a drug store up the road.

"I'll go in, keep an eye out..." I said stepping away from her.

She shook her head okay as I head in the store.

Walking in, the smell of meat and blood hit my nose as I walked toward the cash register. A dark haired lady that I assumed was the clerk looked down at me. She was reading a magazine.

"Can I help you sir?" She snickered, her blue eyes piercing into mine. Her skin was quite pale and she didn't seem welcoming.

"I.. Uhh.. Do you have a phone I could use?" I asked politely as I could.

She looked me up and down and pointed to the back of the store.

"The phone is back there by the restrooms..."

I shook my head okay and headed where I was told.

It smelled like old mold and meat back there. I gagged at the smell and quickly grabbed the phone that was planted on the dirty wall. I dialed my aunts number, the line rung ten times before it went to voicemail.

"Dammit!" I yelled slamming the phone on the hook.

The clerk looked back at me. I waved and slightly smiled showing her it was nothing wrong.

What do I do now? I thought walking back to the entrance.

A voicemail would have been smart but Aunt Carrie is too busy to listen to her voicemails.

She's the only one I could contact.

A built dude towered over me, face angry into mine.

He was pale and his voice wasn't pleasant.

"Going somewhere?" He asked with amusement leaking from his lips. He looked down at me, he was too tall for my taste.

"Uhh.. I was leaving and--" I started

He threw me against the door quickly without warning.

"Nobody ever leaves this store!" he growled sharp canines poking out. I gasped slightly trying to look for an escape route.

I felt so helpless and weak towards the man, all I could think about was Gwen. I heard a piercing scream and I closed my eyes shut, not wanting to see what happens next.

A sharp pain hit my neck. Making my mind cloudy and my eyes blurry. I tried to open my eyes and I didn't know if I saw this correctly but it looked like he had blood on his mouth. His lips perched into a wide grin.

Is my mind playing tricks on me?


Now it was a heavy blur and I felt myself fell to the ground.

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