Ready, Set, Feed. Or Spare Your Life.

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2 Days Later

-Chapter 20-

It had been two days since we rescued Rose From that palace. And two days since I've bit her.

Why? I have my reasons.

My reasons? Don't ask don't tell.

You'll find out soon enough when she wakes.

I made my way toward the kitchen and got me a glass out and poured me some Scotch.

These past two days have been shit.  I Didn't eat.. I didn't half of the time sleep. And the only thing that has been on my mind is Rose.


How i was going to miss seeing her sweet smile or her beautiful laugh. Or her cute expression when she got mad or confused.

Now, all of that is going to change. Her smile will turn into a evil grin. Her laugh will turn into a evil snicker. And her mad and confused expression will turn into a glare.

I could just see it now.

Her walking around town feeding on everything that walks. Not caring about a audience or not.

I gulped down my whole drink and poured another.

I was in nothing but my basketball shorts and didn't care. All i took for the past two days is scaling hot showers.

My back has it's permanent red mark.

"Logan?" A familiar female voice said.

I downed my drink and poured another.

I looked up and saw Gwen.

"You can't do this to yourself."

I scoffed and downed that drink and poured another.

"Logan! Listen to me!" She scolded.

I looked up to her with the glass in my left hand.

"You can't just let yourself go like this."

I chuckled and gave her a 'Who gives a shit look'

And downed the drink not taking my eyes off of her.

She glared at me and shook her head.

"All I'm saying is to be strong" she says and storm off.

I chuckle to myself. "Strong?" I say mocking her.

I put the glass down and walk up to Rose's room.

I walk in and spot her on the bed. I noticed they dressed her in a red shirt and black fitting jeans. And red and black Nike's.

Her wardrobe.  

Walking up to her i noticed that her skin got bright almost pale, and a glow gleamed from it. Her face got fuller and more beautiful. Her hair got darker, with only a few green streaks showing.

Oh God! How could i let this happen?

I caressed her cheek and notice that it is soft and warm. I raise an eyebrow and stroke her cheek again. But if i wasn't seeing this correctly, her eyes shot open.

My eyes widened.. Not because her eyes we're open but because her eyes lost their moons gray, it was grey but almost white and her pupil was huge. I stepped back a little. I bumped into the dresser, but i held the edges.

She blinked her eyes and sat up looking around.

"Where am i?" She asked

I shook my head. I tried to speak but no words came out.

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