Chapter 1-Why are we in domes?!

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(I'm using their YouTube names to avoid confusion XP)

Athena's POV

Most people who play video games always, subconsciously or not, wish to be inside of an exceptional game.Anyone in their right mind wouldn't want the game that 23 poor YouTuber souls were sent to for an unknown reason.The Hunger Games.

I was sent to join them, to watch over them.Some sort of dark force sent them there.I was also sent to help them discover who the person was that caused this.Little did we know, even I, the angel, that the Hunger Games was not only the first place we were going to be sent to.I couldn't find who the person was.They probably were outside of the dome.


   "Top of the mornin' laddies my name is Jackcepticeye!And today I'm going to be playing-"

    "Hello there my name is Markiplier-"

    "My name is PEEWDIEPIE!"

     (and all the 21 other YouTubers' intros')


   "Huh?Where am I?"iHasCupquake yawned.She turned slowly, and to her surprise, Tyler Oakley was also waking up beside her.

"Why are we in domes?!?"Tyler fumed, kicking the 'glass.' "OUCH!"

"I'm curious why you're even here...I mean no offense!"

"None taken,"he sighed."Me too."

"This kinda reminds me of the Hunger Games,"iHasCupquake remarked more to herself than anyone else.Tiff had always wondered what it would be like in the dome, trying to survive, hanging on to life.

"Wait,"Tyler Oakley was in mid-thought when a robot voice blared above them.

"This is the #*¥€|?' th year of the Hunger Games!District 1 players-Marziapie and Markiplier!District 2 players-Jackcepticeye and and Jen(from PopularMMO's)!!!
District 3-Pewdiepie and Zoella!
District 4-iHasCupquake and Tyler Oakley!District 6-LDShadowLady and Grayzer!District 7-DanTDM and Athena!!!District 8-PopularMMO's and stacyplays!District 9-Joey Graceffa and Yammy!District 10-Nigahiga and heyimbee!!District 11 and 12 are mixed together! JanCatt  , kitty_barbie , TheFluffyPinkKitteh, and some unknown person are teaaaaaamed!!!!"

The robotic voice droned down the minutes as the glass cages lifted them upward."3, 2, 1!!!!!!"The cornucopia was neatly set in the center.Christmas trees circled the outskirts of the invisible glass.The grass was an unnatural red.Giant lollipops were scattered unevenly over the map.

"This is just like on MineCraft,"heyimbee muttered to herself one more time before the glass chambers opened to let them free.The participants froze in shock.These were their friends and children!

A non-robot voice filled the intercom."Remember contestant gamers and YouTubers, this is simulated, it's only a game!But it will help to not go about and get yourself killed.The more people you kill on this game, the further up the chain you go!You get prizes, such as weapons and XP!I am fully aware that these people are your friends, but they are just holograms of your true selves.They are with me.I'm watching over you, dearies!"The voice cut out.

"I'm not cut out for this!!!"Zoella whined."And am I stepping on a SNAKE?!"

"Come on guys,"stacyplays begged,"It's just a silly game.We get points, we get weapons, we get out."

"Shouldn't we test it out first?"A brown-haired girl asked."Who knows what that wacko is really up to!"

"Sounds fair."

"Also,"the voice reappeared,"this is going to be uploaded to each of your accounts!Enjoy, little babes!"

"Who says babes, anyway?"a blonde girl scowled.It was obvious she didn't want to be there any more than the rest of them.

"A weird old hermet who lives in the woods,"another girl shrugged.

"So I guess we're teamed then,"the brunette girl said."Let's get some stuff then, JanCatt, Kitty_Barbie."

"It looks like all the other people are distracted,"Kitty_Barbie giggled."What better opportunity!"The three girls ran up to the cornucopia, collecting everything.They seemed to forget there was a fourth teammate entirely.


Author's note:Over 600 words!!!That's actually quite a lot for me, but expect more next chapter!

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