Chapter 2-You were right the first time

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"So I guess we're a team,"Mark said.

     "Yeah, I guess so,"Marzia replied nervously, her accent slipping.

    "Hey, at least you know Felix is fine."

    "But how do we really know that?For all we know, we could be dead and stuck in a different reality!"

    Mark gave her a reassuring look."Marzia, we have to try to make it out of this."

    "I don't want to kill anyone.I can't!"

    "Hey, do you really want weakness uploaded to your channel? Let's be warriors. Let's fight to win."

    "I guess you're right..."

    "Hi there guys! My name is Markiplier and I'm teamed up with Marziapie in the Hunger Games!"

    "Hi," she grinned sheepishly. Her eyes moved away from the camera and toward the crescent."Mark, we need weapons and gear from over there." He nodded.

    They treaded lightly and as quietly as
they could towards the cornucopia.It glittered gold, silver, red, black and green.While Marzia was admiring it, she also wondered if it represented something.Christmas is bounty?She wasn't sure.

    Slipping inside of it, they realized that there wasn't much left."We get what we get,"Mark shrugged.Marzia grabbed an axe and a canteen, and Mark found a pair of miniature daggers and a chest plate.They left as fast as they could.As they both knew, people often remained in the Center.

    The two trekked through a chilly forest, the cold slipping through their gear.Unfortunately, they had been given uniforms with thin fabric. Frowning, they struggled up a icy red hillside to see what terrain was past it.To their relief, it was a grassy area.The red plains had gumdrop mushrooms, large and small, dotting the area, giving it a mystical yet evil look.Shivering, Marzia sat down on a larger specimen.

    "Can I have some of the water?"Markiplier asked.

    Marzia shook her head."It's empty.We have to find the water."
Mark swore under his breath.

    "Man, I forgot that in the book they had that...Wait, if this is simulated, how can I feel thirst?"

    Marziapie shrugged,"This guy might've attached the program to our brain and nerves." Marzia turned her head.


    "Sorry. I thought I heard something."

    "You probably did. Now let's go see if we can find any food or water."

     "What about these gumdrops?"

    "They might be poisonous..."

    "Well, anything could be poisonous then!"

    "Let's take a couple, just in case,"he reached for a few of the lower gumdrops."Although, I don't imagine they would be of much nutritional value."

    Marzia perked her ears in a direction. "I think I heard water!"

    "You think?"Markiplier finished collecting the candies and lifted his head."That's good enough.So let's go that way!"He pointed the direction that her ear was towards.

    "Actually, that's the wrong way."

    "Oh. I guess you moved your head. Then that way!"

    "Wrong again."


    "That way!"


     "Well, it has to be that way!"

    "You were right the first time," Marzia laughed. Mark feigned heart hurt with hand movements.

    "You master of trickery!"He pointed the first direction and crisply marched that way.

    The eerie yet cheerful grass field was soon out of sight.The river noises were much louder now, the slushing of ice on the banks, the trickle of falling liquid.They had walked several miles through a cotton candy and peppermint forest, collecting bits and pieces of terra and flora from their surroundings.Through all that time, Marzia sadly thought of her boyfriend.She genuinely hoped he was enjoying himself, or at least okay.As, they passed a final thicket, a large river came in to view.

The two trudged down the sloping edges, the crackling noise of pop rocks underneath their feet.Mark had once thought pop rocks were amusing; now he couldn't help but think how obnoxious they were.The word play was funny, but the ear-deafening noise was not. As Marzia leaned in to fill the canteen up with lightish pink water, an arm snatched the back of her clothing.


Author's Note:Not sure how much more that was, but I set my goal of over 600 words! Thanks for reading <3
Another note:Is it bad that I'm proud of this?

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