Extended chapter 6

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"Wakey Wakey, eggs and bakey!" the loudspeaker voice woke everyone,"Seriously, why doesn't anyone want breakfast?" The small rustle of fabric implied to the more awake people that he was shrugging.

"Hm. Well, I guess the muttations will like a good meal. I'm sorry everyone, I don't think they'll stop at the breakfast. Oh, and someone died, so I will bring in a couple newbies!"

Mark yawned, looking at the bright early morning sunset. Although he disliked getting up so soon in the day, Markiplier grudgingly admitted inside his head that the sunrise was still beautiful with its shades of warfstache pink, baby bird blue, and giant falling spiders....wait, what?

   More unrecognizable dark shapes fell from the sky to the center, including two blue-and-cream colored dots. Maybe I need more sleep, he thought heavily.


(trying first POV)
Red's POV

So, I guess I'm free falling? I like the song, I do not like dying. The ground was so close to me that it could have breathed on me. I nervously looked above, and to my horror I saw something that practically caused my heart to leap out of my chest cavity. Colossal robotic spiders and black, snarling dogs shaped my sky. I panicked. Is double death a thing? I closed my eyes. So, this is how it ends. A whiff of sugared sour apple filled my nostrils, along with bacon, eggs, pancakes, and even fresh orange juice.

   My back landed on a pillow-like object. I opened my eyes in surprise. I'm alive? "Apparently, so are those...those things," I grumbled aloud. First, I decided to find where those smells originated from, I was famished; then I would run for it while carrying a block of fluffy cotton and what I could scramble together from step one.

   Of course, my top priority was to survive and get to Tiff, my gamer wife. This has to be a game in itself, how can I fall from the sky, see candy trees, and- and-... shouldn't question it, an angry, determined little voice filled my head. My lungs heaved in a fresh wave of air, and I regained my strength. I can do this, I can. I can do this, I can, I can do.....

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