Chapter 4-I can handle myself just fine!

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    (TheFluffyPinkKitteh is me, btw)

    The team of three girls lightly tiptoed past the cornucopia, their survival bags overstuffed.They were the first in, and very much grateful for that.

    "So, which way should we go?"JanCatt frowned.

    "What if we were to spin one of these canteens and see which direction it points towards,"TheFluffyPinkKitteh suggested.

     "Not a bad idea,"kitty_barbie shrugged."Let's use mine."Pulling a dark-green plastic container out of her pink bag, she laid it on the ground.TheFluffyPinkKitteh stuck her boot out, kicking the bottle into a spinning motion.It landed on a snowy pine forest.

    The three, sighing, set off running in that direction.They wanted to be the early birds.

    The girls reached two different fields beyond the icy ridges, one fresh blood red and the other a shamrock green.They jogged casually past it, knowing they probably didn't need those supplies.Considering the team had hit a jackpot, the candies were of little use at the moment.

    After continuing their multi-mile journey, the group found an eerie red river.They filled their canteens up and traveled another fourth of a mile to the left."Guys,"kitty_barbie yawned,"let me go get us some more water to the right.The kind right here looks filthy."Pointing to the murky, slow-moving blood red water, she shuddered and slowly stood.

    "Shouldn't we go with you?"JanCatt pleaded."In these sort of things, the person who separates dies..."

    "I can handle myself just fine!"

    JanCatt looked over at TheFluffyPinkKitteh nervously.She was
flicking the fire starter up to the peppermint sticks they had accumulated.The sticks were covered in a gooey substance the girls found on the floor of the forest, along with pop rocks and shreds of pink and blue cotton candy.She looked up."Huh?Oh, yeah.Let me come.If there are hostile people, I'll slit their throats open in a heartbeat!"Squinting and looking down, she added,"even if they are holograms of YouTubers."

    The blonde growled."Fine.But please have your weapons out in case anyone decides to show up."The other two girls grabbed small knives, large swords, and a gun, along with belts to slide them into.

    Heading off to the right, the three ducked after hearing voices.kitty_barbie silently crawled towards the noise.

"Now get the water, please,"Markiplier's voice rang out ahead of them.TheFluffyPinkKitteh was disappointed.Out of all the YouTubers there are here, one of my favorites had to be the one we possibly had to murder?!

"Felix,"Marzia whimpered.At that point, the three girls were right behind them.

    "Marzia,"Pewdiepie said softly.kittie_barbie's serrated blade was directly above their heads.Markiplier and Zoella were staring up at the vicious blonde."What never seen love before?"Felix growled.Zoella's hand was shaking, but it steadily lifted to point at kitty_barbie.

    The lovebirds turned their heads.Marzia shrieked a high pitched wail, while Pewdiepie managed keep it in, his face pale.kitty_barbie lifted her eyes to view Mark and Zoe."This is a matter of business,"the blonde said flatly, her eyes returning to the two below her."We want to team with you.These two won't die.If you'll promise that you will kill yourselves before us in these games.In return, Marzia and Pewds are fine and you will get a share of our supplies."Her glare was cold and unforgiving.If they slipped up, the girls knew she wouldn't hesitate and slicing these poor people open.

    The band of YouTubers gave each other nodding looks."This seems better on our end,"Mark smirked.

    "Not in the long run,"TheFluffyPinkKitteh said.

    "Better than letting us see you kill our friends, I guess."

   The blonde stood, her expression unchanged, her teeth baring.She removed the blade from the air, placing it into her leather weapons sling.Walking down to the bank, she stuck her hand out.Stiffly, Mark took it.


   Author's Note:Boring?No?Kay well this is yet another group leading the story.I'm using the story buildup I like to call bricks.You stack each brick a little farther to the right on top of the lower one.This is much like how the story flows.

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