Whats so strange

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It's 7:30, my hands are sweaty, my face is burning, and my voice is so shaky that I could barely get a word out.

It's the first day of school, to a high school I've never been to before.

I'm not a freshman no I'm a junior, that means that I've spent a whole year somewhere else. That means that all my friends are somewhere else. That means that I don't know anyone here, I'm all by my self in the crazy world of high school.

I came 30 minutes early because I wanted to get everything I needed from the main office with out getting trampled. Right now I'm at the front door wondering what's on the other side, or if I should even go in.

Once I step in their's no turning back, I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. Once the door was fully opened, the sweet aroma of freshly cleaned floors and coffee hit me.

I slowly crepted in and took a look around, my mother told me not to be upset with her when I get home.

So I assumed that their was something wrong with the school, and then she started to tell me not to let guys play with my heart, and not to let anyone in my pants.

When I asked why she was telling all these boy related lectures
she just smiles and said have a good first day.

As I'm walking down the hall I saw a nice teacher when the teacher noticed me he just stood there shocked.

"Um... excuse me could you lead me to the main office please?"I asked him. He stood there looking at me shocked
for quite a while, then said

"Uhh.. yes down that way then turn left."

I thanked him then followed what he said. Whats his problem? why was he so surprised? Well its not my problem.

When I got to the main office, I walked up to the receptionist.

"Maya pompo! Here is your schedule and your locker number and key."

She told me and handed me the items. As I took them from her I asked

" How did you know who I am?"

She looked at me and started laughing hard, so hard she almost fell out of her chair. When she finished she said

"Your funny! Now hurry on and put your stuff away before you give me a heat attack."

I walked out confused about what was so funny. I took the stairs to the second floor to where the juniors lockers

and classrooms were. And looked all over for locker #125, I guess I looked lost because a random boy came up to
help me.

"Are you lost? Because I could help you find your brother."

My brother? He thinks I'm looking for my brother?

" Im not looking for my brother I'm looking for my locker. Why would I be looking for my bother?" I told him,

but he just started laughing.

"Whats so funny? look, I have the locker number right here."

I said as I showed it to him. When he saw it he stoped laughing and looked surprised.

"Sorry dude, you just have a lot of hair and you look like a girl."He apologized.

What, now he thinks I'm a guy.

"I am a girl! Stop acting stupid. Are you going to help me or not?"I told him straight up then I started walking off.

" Wait, i'll help, your locker is around here."he said pointing to a group of lockers.

"Thank you for your help." I said

Yes I found it, and I got a top locker. As I'm putting my stuff away in my locker I notice that he's starring at me

"Uhh... why are you starring at me like that?"I asked

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