A boys world

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"Because this is an all guys school! And your saying that you go here! "

What! This can't be right!

"Wait what , this can't be a boys school, I go here and I'm a girl."

"Whats your name anyway? Im Cody"

he said sticking out his hand for a hand shake

"Im Maya."

I said shaking his hand. *RING*

"That's the bell  its 8:00 we got to go to assembly, we only have that on special occasions.  Otherwise we would go straight to homeroom. "

he said leading me there. He was not lying on our way there all I saw was a bunch of teenage boys.

"They are all looking at me!"

I whispered to him

"Of course they are, your a girl"

He told me. I know that but still it's not nice.

"Hey man, is that your friend or something, can she be mine too?"

"Hey girl, what's your name?"

random boys started to call out to me, okay , okay, whats going to happen to me, I'm in a school full of

BOYS!! This is no time to freak out, hold it together Maya. Wait, what am I saying, yes it is.

Cody must of noticed my panic because he smiled at me and said

"Don't worry, i'll protect you from all the scary horny teenage boys!" then he muttered under his breth

"No matter how many times I get beat up."

*My Hero* This is hopeless. Then it hit me, I am the only girl here so I won't have to deal with bullies as much. YES!


"Their you go you look better when you smile." chered cody.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.


We get to the gym, the place is full of boys. I of corse sit next to the only boy I (barely) know.

"Cody! long time no...."

a guy who seems on friendly turns with Cody appears to greet him but then is stopped dead in his tacks when he noticed me.

"Man I think I'm going crazy I'm starting to imagine girls, cuz I see one right next to you, let me see if i could touch it"

He said reaching for my Brest! Cody then quickly slapped his hand away.

"She's real, you Jack- ass. This is Maya, Maya this is PJ."

"Nice to meet you Maya"

"Nice to meet you too,PJ."

After our brief introduction, I was pulled by my hand and seated somewhere by an unknown guy.

Then another guy comes , sit next to me, and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey bae, your prince has arrived."

This boy has the audacity to come out of nowhere and call me bae, who dose he think he is?

"Do I know you? "

That was a rhetorical question, but he is too stupid to realize.

"No but you will, I am Eliot, and you must be Jasmine, because you are as beautiful as a flower."

"No that is not my name, and is that the best you got, I can think of something better than that in my sleep."

" Ooh we got our selves a spicy one, playing hard to get are we, I like it."

"ET! What the f...."

OMG another boy. This one is much bigger then the rest.

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