It's Just Begining

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After the assembly we all headed to our first classes of the year.

I take out my schedule

" Homeroom is classroom  136..... I think it's that way ....... no, that way."I mumble to my self.

I'm still lost, maybe I could ask for help. Maybe  that's not such a good idea, but.....

"Um can you help me I'm lost?" I say to a guy getting something out of his locker.

When he turned around...... 

"Hey babe!"

It was Eliot, but Riders calls him ET. UHHH just thinking about him agrvates me.

Eliot must of noticed the change of mode because he started to frown.

"oh, sorry I did not mean to make you feel bad. I...." he started to say before i cut him off.

"Its  not that its just today and rider, if anything you flirting with me is the least of my problems. " 

I sighed

"oh yeah, what happened out their. I never seen Adem act like that, He was like hey baby come here 

and you was like ill get away from me then he was like no and it went on and on again, and I was like

 ooo and Jake was like i'm too cool to react to this so i'm gonna just stand here and be silent ." he 

rambles on and on. 

And I start to enjoy him a little he made me forget all about what I came to ask him, until i remembered. 

"Eliot, um can you tell me where this class is?" and I handed him the paper 

"oh that's great you have the same homeroom as me!" he said and whispered "and r..."

"wait I did not hear the last part of that." I had a feeling it was something bad

"you find out when we get their."

oh shit what is it now?


In front of the classroom 

"okay where here so what is it?" I asked impatiently

"step in side and you'll find out!"

so I nervously step in side the classroom worried out of my mind.

when i opened the door.

I saw cody  and  the guy that dragged me to Eliot, I think that Eliot called him Jake, and 

a class full of boys I don't know  and that's all. 

"Nice try Eliot nothings here, trying to scare me." I teased in triumph.

"Just you wait, he'll be here soon !" he laughed 

HE! who's he? Oh no its Rider ins't it? Why? Why me?

"meanwhile, lets grab our seats" he tells me 

I quickly sit next to cody,who beams with happiness when he sees me, on my other side is where Eliot

quickly sits.

"Maya  are you okay?" he asked 

aw so sweet I can tell we will be good friends 

"yeah, i'm fine don't worry about me." I say that but I know i'm going to be the complete opposite 

soon Just u wait, I'm going to regret saying that.

All of a sudden the door swings open and the person who steps in is not the teacher but 


"OH SHIT!" I say that louder than I thought and he looks straight at me and gives me a smirk not any

 regular smirk the smirk that lets me know how the rest of the year will turn out with him messing with

 me 24/7. Not only that he sits right behind me , just to get on my nerves, this is going to be a long first 


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