a little about the past

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Why are you asking me that you know about that school YOU WAS THERE!

"Well okay but why, I mean it's not that interesting?"

"Please do tell"

"Okay I came from a small town and a small school of about 300 students...."

"Ahh you make it so boring just get to the good stuff already! Damm."

" OK ok I umm.. the school.... oo my friends, there was about 7-8 of us we would always joke around, mainly in ways that should remain unspoken."

"Ooh they was talking dirty " Eliot giggles 

"Anyway they got me interested into many things like different bands. I like watching different types of anime and I'm really into gaming like big time. For example I was the first out of me and my two uncles to beat gear of wars 3. Im also really into animals know a lot about them.  And thats it for now  thank you."

" Wait one second, anymore questions class?" she asked 

No, no, no, no, no!

"Okay you can sit now."

Girl Vs BoysМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя