Characters (Not Really Important)

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(I'm running out of ideas! Help me!)

Name: Denki
Bender Type: Electric
Hair Color: Blond almost Yellow
Eye Color: Blue
Gender: Female
Age: 10
Relationships: (y/n) is definitely going to become her best friend; Ayato and her have a love hate relationship kinda thing; Shinoa and her are pretty good friends you could say; Yuki is like a cute innocent little sister to her; Kaname and her get along pretty well since they both are the ones stoping Ayato from doing anything stupid; Nezumi  and her don't really talk but they still hang out with each other and such.

Name: Ayato (Name from Diabolik Lovers)
Bender Type: Fire
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Olive Green
Gender: Male
Age: 9
Relationships: He calls (y/n) Marshmallow-chan but he has no idea why but he loves to annoys people that's for sure; he loves teasing Denki and pointing out all her flaws and also pissing her off; he used to teas Shinoa with a nickname but she got used to it so it wasn't any fun teasing her but now that (y/n) is here he has new victim; Yuki is a cute little innocent teddy bear in his eyes; Kaname is like a father cause he always says and acts like a father towards him it's kinda weird; and he also loves pissing off Nezumi but he always gets his ass handed to him after he pisses Nezumi off.

Name: Shinoa (Name from Owari no Seraph)
Bender Type: Water
Hair Color: Pink
Eye Color: Light Purple
Gender: Female
Age: 8
Relationships: She's happy that there's another girl and not just her sister and Denki but Denki doesn't really count as a one, so she's quite happy to have (u/n) as a new friend; she's happy that Denki is looking after her sister like she promised she would, Ayato used to annoy her but now she just doesn't really care; Yuki's her little sister that she loves and cares for, they are sisters after all; Kaname helps her with bullies and Yuki too; Nezumi isn't as hash on her and her sister as he is with everyone else.

Name: Yuki (Name from Vampire Knights)
Bender Type: Water
Hair Color: Peach
Eye Color: Light Purple
Gender: Female
Age: 5
Relationships: She doesn't really trust (y/n) yet but she thinks she's nice so far; Denki's like her a second older sister but more boyish; she doesn't really like how Ayato squishes her cheeks and tells her how cute she's is, he's kinda like a grandma; Shinoa is her sister that she looks up to and loves; Kaname helps her with some bullies just like with her sister, Shinoa; Nezumi gives her some extra food sometimes and isn't as harsh on her, he gets her since they both know each others stories.

Name: Kaname (Name from Vampire Knights)
Bender Type: Air
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Maroon
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Relationships: He might not show it but he's happy that he has another member, he sees his friends as family, and is happy to have (y/n) be apart of it; he sees Denki as a sister that helps him out and enjoys her company more then Ayatos; he gets annoyed at Ayato, but tries not to show it; Shinoa and Yuki are the ones he feels protective of so he helps the sisters with bullies to keep them out of harm; Nezumi and him don't really get along but no one knows why.

Name: Nezumi (Name from No.6)
Bender Type: Fire
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Gray
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Relationships: he hopes that (y/n) isn't as big of a bother as Ayato; Denki and him don't really socialites with one another but they still got each others backs; Ayato is a pain in his ass and loves to kick his ass any time of the day but he wouldn't do any serious damage to Ayato; Shinoa and Yuki are pretty innocent and he doesn't want to scare the two away so he's nicer to those two then the rest; Kaname and him just don't get along and they don't even know why.

I'm tiers as fuck and I need more ideas for ze story!!!!!
Bye and Goodnight! :3

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